Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Dear boys, lol

You know.
I have a draft where I was going to write out my feels about the "bet ya didn't see that coming" energy you called in.
Esp in how you got yourself with that bs.

Though I think instead, I'll start using this blog for what I intended to in the beginning. To have a place to put the happenings and things with me and the boys, so that while you're finishing your dark night of soul work, that you can not really "miss out" on what's been happening.
Plus, it helps me keep positive momentum going in still being able to share with you what's happening without going back on my commitment to let you come to me when you're ready, and let you learn from natural consequences - as even you agreed are often more profound anyways.

So anyways, to start us out.
I am laughing right now, to have dropped our oldest off at school for IEP testing with a teacher whose names include "Liberty".
I'm laughing, cuz I kid you not; he looked and acted like he could've been his older brother.
Not even that much older for that matter.
He was dressed much the same as how our oldest does when he's relaxed at home, and had similar eyes and energy.
Even his voice was similar.

It feels very much like a sync to do with "Julie", who Spirit tells me we'll have when you're ready and are able to stay stable in this dimension.
After you've seen the truth.
Of me.
Of you.
Of those "closest" to you.
I'm still giggling at how hard it has been for you to use any kind of commitment language with her, lol

The nurse also had my last name, and a butterfly mask.
And right before we got out of the car, that song "Bang" came on.

Even funnier, our oldest decided to dress up in his fedora and leather jacket, which even he commented looked great with me in my pink fedora and pink hoodie.
I took a pic for my fb.
How could I not? Lol

Had a funny convo with Gpa when I went to pick up our oldest. 
I had asked him to wake up the kids, so I could go work and process emotions in the morning.
When I got back, he said I didn't tell him our youngest was "hiding". Which was confusing, as I didn't know he was hiding. 
He then explained that he was kidding, and just didn't see our youngest curled up in our bed under his and my blankets.
That he went back and forth from Gma's room and ours, and then thought to check the blankets and found him, lol.

Then when it was time for our youngest to do his only class for the day, he was convinced classes didn't start until 9:30 now, cuz of daylight savings time.
That's so cute, lol.

They got it figured out and all is good.

I know things are probably harder for you now then ever.
I also know; esp with the sync of our youngest being "hidden" under the "blanket", and our oldest teacher...
Plus all the music syncs...
And even your own sister posting about the Synchronisty of "7"...
That you're coming out of the karmic cycle you've been in.
And that as the energy of Mercury Rx in Scorpio fades, so will your confusion about you, about us, and about others.

Though I will say, as I said to Goldenrod;
Even if I'm wrong.
It feels good to know all will be well no matter what.
For all of us.

I meant what I said.
I do love you.
Forever, Always, and Completely.
~ Empress Rose ~