Thursday, April 29, 2021

Dear Cabbit....enjoying spaces in between..

Some weeks ago
I set an intention to find a faithful way to enjoy the spaces in between..
In between getting to chat with my friends..
In between having this I want...
In between manifestings...
Between us talking openly...
Between us getting to play...
Between us getting to be together..

And by George! I think I'm starting to get it.
Cuz I just realized I've come to enjoy the quiet times between friends chatting, and also...
I am really enjoying the visions of you not feeling pressured to respond to me.
Just loving and adoring that I like to message you.
Knowin I'm happy to text you when I do, cuz I want to, not cuz I expect anything from you.
Feeling the love from that.

That's cool 🥰

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Dear Cabbit...from war to tour..

Somewhat recently, I told my best galpal that Spirit had helped me see it's time to start releasing the energy of all karmics.
Which is when I first decided to start thinking of you as simple "away at war", and as myself as a loyal, blessed, and confident walksbeside caring for the family while you go through your "wars".
Thinking of it this way became super funny when our youngest prince thought to stop that fight at the park the other day, and said he saw the other kids were "war starting", lol
Spirit loves to both make fun of me and show me how much fun can be had with manifestings like these, and I luff that, lol

It was that energy that lead me towards getting away from using the term "karmic" or anything that gives any significant permanent placement of their energy in our story.
Which was inspired by something happening with my friends after that dreamtime being came to visit them in the 3d, that I helped confirm for them, was not a being or creature they could trust, and helped be the 'inevitable hero' that my birthdayology day says I am, lol

That's how I got towards referring to all temporary teachers in the story of us, as "visitors".
Cuz that's all they are.
They do have an influence on the story.
Though it's temporary.
And in the scheme of things, the only part of their presence in our story that's consequential, is that they came to help show us how much we love ourselves, each other, our kids, and being sources of good and light in the world 🥰🥰🥰

I'm definitely grateful to all the visitors who've already come and gone, those currently exiting, and those who will come and go in the future.
Whenever I look at the story of us, it's the contrast they bring to us, that seems to add the rocket fuel to our magnetic reunions.

In many ways.
I almost find myself looking forward to any future moments when any visitors might attempt to come tempt you again.
Cuz I know this time around, you're far more aware of how they always bring us closer, and I look forward to moments when you and I get to look into each other's eyes full of consciousness, and giggle about anyone "checking in", or trying to create emotional strings to lure you in with.
Esp after these past 19.5 years.
This past year adding much not emphasis.
Not spouses.
Not exes.
Not flirty workplace cougars.
Not mean friends.
Not devils nor demons nor distance.
Nothing drives us apart.
Not even conflict.
It all brings us closer and closer, lol

I was thinking last night..
About how you used to always say you were afraid to pursue your dream to be a famous musician.
And how a part of your fear is that I wouldn't be happy or still love you if you were away on tour - most esp if you joined in on the lifestyle it appears rockstars live when on tour..
Funny thing is, I knew your fears were more about whether or not ppl would really love you as a musician, and about WANTING to get to be the wild bachelor who could freely do all he wanted; without having to share me with anyone else while you were away, when I'd show you that me and the boys could go with you and add to the fun.

With emphasis on when GoldenRod said he could totally see us as a gypsy carvan/partridge fam type family, lol

So, those thoughts came to me, cuz after seeing all my adorable choices of the past year; in addition to my choices 18 years before then, I laughed and thought "I sooooo def pass the musicians wife test".
I've got ever had quality and perfect temperment for it.
Most esp cuz I wouldn't be sitting around brooding or becoming some groupie.
I'd be out Manifesting my own delightful successes in various ways.
Ways that most def would keep you captivated, as they already do.
And I have so much self worth, self respect, open mindedness, and faith in myself, in you, and in Us, that no temperary flings would bother me.
Cuz they are just that; temporary.
And whether we have conflict over it or not, it'll bring us closer together.
Heck, clearly, even if they try to use powerful spells, legalities and crazymaking; they still can't break our natural divine connection.

And mostly; cuz neither of us want it broken 🥰🥰🥰

After thinking about the delightfulness of all that, and what I know are going to be fun conversations about all this..
I decided to change my thought thread, from thinking of you as away fighting your wars (which was fitting and you were doing), as now thinking of you as simple away "on tour".
And I'm delighted about how that will help you.
I know you've already started very much reconnecting with your music...
I'm not sure if you've locked yourself in your thrown room and MADE time to play guitar and work on your music..
Though I have a sense you will start now..
Esp as..
When I'm imagining myself as the beautiful walksbeside and wife of you as a famous touring musician..
I'm seeing visions of you taking your music very seriously at first..
Seriously enough that you protect it..
You work on it in private space.
You don't share it with visitors, and make conscious effort to smudge the space you play in in some way, so visitor energy doesn't effect your vibration or music..
You share your music with only me for a time..
Knowing I'm deeply trustworthy of hearing it and never adding icky energy to it.
You know I'll always be honest about how it sounds, without being judgey or unkind.
You like our interactions.
And you love when I play with you during production...
Trusting that anything you can't hear, I can.

I envision you daydreaming and fantasizing about letting yourself play passionately, and becoming a famous musician..
You seeing yourself as just as and moreso famous then I...
Which isn't a giant climb, but I do set the bar fairly high, and you know I'll always be the type to naturally climb higher and higher, just by being myself delightfully.
Which means you must be passionately in love with yourself and your music..
So you too, can delight others and feel supported in delighting them just by being who you choose to be naturally in each moment, and knowing that makes their enjoyment of your music even more profound for you and for them... 🥰

I'm imagining you delighting in impressing me.
Through which you always find yourself impressing yourself - which is the real fun in that sort of game.
Cuz with almost anyone else you know so far, the only way to impress them, is to be who you are not.
Whereas the only way to impress me, is to be more and more yourself.
To be real af.
The realest of the realest.
Which means you have to choose yourself in the healthiest ways, and by extension of that, means you didn't take, fake, or make up who you are, what you want, and what your made of.
Which means YOU achieved successes being YOU.

It feels sooooo good when we've achieved successes being ourselves, and then get to see and feel how deeeeply loved we are for that.
It melts away all the transactional love we used to try to hold onto like our lives depended on it.
And shows us how much more delicious it feels to fill our own cups and be loved for it.
How much better it feels to share not just because our cups are always overflowing, but because we're giving to those who also always have more then enough; which means they never have any "need" to require or demand we keep giving to them.

Deeeelicious thoughts.

Yours always, 
~ Lady Rose 🥰

Friday, April 23, 2021

Dear Cabbit...2:22

What an interesting day!
There's a collective energy of hyperaccountability, self judgment being projected onto others for things that don't really matter, self deceptions, ppl who make up reasons to be upset over issues that are non-issues, ppl publically outing ppl they're fighting with, grumpy pooping, resets, starting over, throat chakra healing, standing up for ourselves, nostalgia, releasing codependency, and no longer feeling hurt over other ppl having hurt feelings who are being impossible to please.

Also, the mattress thread is very interesting too..
Esp with those pics you sent me..
Looking forward to finding out what sort of absurdites you're creating andor releasing, lol

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Dear Cabbit....emails...

Emailing you is such an interesting experience.
Esp when I don't have to.

Though that's part of what makes it kind of fun.
There are so many ways I could communicate with you.
If I wanted to, we both know I could make my presence known in very big ways that no one could really speak against.
And really, nothing I do is ever going to be anything near as toxic or dramatic as what the visitors have done in the past.

Which is oddly comforting, lol
Cuz they and your siblings visitors and the story of you all, has been filled with such drama and unrighteousness that even if I got as dramatic as the visitors, it would just be "expected".
As like, a "normal" and understandable response to your own choices.

Though I'm sure you're noticing what most everyone else is; I'm not like that.

I have it in me.
Should I ever truly need it.
Though that day likely won't ever arrive.
It's much more fun to find high vibe ways to shift timelines and heal the origins of the drama then to play the old boring games you and everyone else are used to and expect.

It's also much more fun to mind my own business and glow up, knowing that drives you wild in all the best ways, lol

I told you you didn't have to worry about me coming to you, cuz YOU will be coming to ME.

I digress though..
As the sweetness of finding reasons to send you emails, reminds me of the emails I used to send you way back when..
When it was the only way to contact you..
Not that it helped much, considering you could only really connect at the library and at your brothers.
You remember that?
Going to the library to check your email? 😂

Wish I still had access to the tw86 email.
I'm amazed I even remember the name of it.
Either way.
It will be sweet when you send me screenshots of what I used to write to you..
And when you give me access to your email again.

I'm sure I didn't put anything 'too brave' in there outside of the one email where I confessed about that truth or dare game gone wrong.
And really, how adorable am I that my heart broke itself thinking that was such a huge deal when we were only fwbs? Lol

I'm enjoying the sweetness of what simple unassuming emails I can send from time to time.
Where I know you'll always have them to look back on, no matter what phone you have or what goes on with the clouds.

Fun to think about what that'll look like 20 years from now, lol

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Dear Cabbit..."home"..

My spidey senses keep bringing to me, squishes about the day I changed our fb nicknames to "home", and the day I changed it away from that...

It feels like you're thinking about unblocking, unmuting, and undoing all blocks towards me soon...

That'll be interesting..

Monday, April 12, 2021

Dear's it working out doing it all alone?

I'm listening to a reading, and the reader said the question in the title is something you're asking yourself, and I laughed cuz I could soooo see that.
Esp after how often I used to ask you similar things, lol.

Reminds of the times you'd say you'd just "do it".
Just magickally change with no in between process.
Which we tried, and when it didn't work, I called you out on "if that worked, we wouldn't be having these convos over and over."

I bet that's going through your mind lately.
How delicious, lol

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Dear Cabbit... deliciousness...

I'm loving the deliciousness of this weekend's interactions, lol

If only you knew what I was out doing, lol

In any case, when my friend said she wanted to send you a message, I told her that was totally cool with me.
Esp as, she's so great at not feeling hurt by any lack of interaction, and she wasn't doing anything 'for me'.
She was messaging you cuz she loves you and how she knows you through me.
She already feels like you're friends, and I love that so much.

I deeply look forward to when you two get to meet.

And I luuuuuuff that you mentioned that twice in your msg to her.
She loves it too.

Also, funny enough, I had no idea what she decided to message you until today (the next afternoon), and when I sent you my message; that divinely came to me not long after you sent her your response, and because I've not got much memory space on my phone, I didn't see your response to my email until this afternoon, and was so delighted cuz I didn't have expectation of a response or anything.
I just gnew it was right to send you that and didn't fear any potential negative responses.
Just trusted that old intuition, which it seems like you're learning to do too 🥰

I'm very proud of you.
I can just feel all the juicy growth going on with you, and I love it.

I look forward to when I can gush and swoon all over you with my friends.
They're all excited for you and for that coming day too ☺️😎🥰


I do look forward to getting to tell you why you have that song stuck in your

It started for you on a day that my gal friends and I were talking about the second and far more important "sacred virginity", and how this seperation has me feeling very virginal, and how that so much fits in with how I wanted to feel when we handfasted..

I know you're picking up on that, and I know that while you have some ego fears about me possibly having shared myself with others, the truth is that I haven't.
And I know you know that.
You'd feel it if I had.
And I know you're deliciously kinky mind is imagining what it would be like to be together for the "first time" after so long, esp with the truths you've learned about me and about yourself in all this time.

Most esp that I love you; genuinely.
That I chose you because I want to, not because I have to.
And you LOVE that.
It feels like nothing else you've experienced.
I know this in my heart.

And I know that when you think about that song, you think about me..
And you see that it's connected to me..
And you think about 'what if...' I've remained chaste...
And what that might feeeeel like..

It's gonna be delicious..

Absolutely 😊

Friday, April 9, 2021

Dear Cabbit...funny syncs..

I think since deciding to watch far fewer readings, not acknowledge so many signs, and to fill my time with activities I enjoy...
That's when the syncs come in and make me laugh..
At both of us and all things.
Most esp as I know you're having the same thing happen to you.

Our consciousness loves to laugh in certain special ways we only usually feel in the 3d when together...
Until now..
As our 5d selves start to tease each other..

Today I got on to check my yt, and saw that most of the readers I trust are saying that you're preparing your words, that you regret what you've said and done, and that you see me as some sort of deity or something.
Feels like the return of the "High Caliber" conversations, lol

"You've got a friend in me", just came on the radio. 
I've been seeing many toy story references lately..
Most esp connecting to that song.
I can only assume that you're either feeling like you're missing me as your friend...or you're hoping I'll still hold a little faith in stay my gnow what's going on intuitively..

"You just call out my name.."
Funny enough, my Spirit will always run right to you...
When you call or text, I still get butterflies.
Still get excited, even if I'm afraid of or aware that we might fight.

I'm gonna finish preparing to go to PO.
Visiting some friends for the day.
Been a long time since I've gone away from the neighborhood for more then a few hours. 
It'll be nice to spend the day away.
Then I can hopefully come back and be far more productive around the house.
That's what I'm working on again.
I did lil bits last year, to get my "wifey" game improved.
Cleaning, cooking, hygiene, and image.
Getting clothes that look nice, feel comfy, and show off my feminine energy.
Smelling really noice.
Getting to house chores before anyone asks me to.
I'm working to getting that stuff on point this year.
Esp as, when I set forth to fulfill your request to "give up", I knew that there would be some space between us for a bit and that it would be a very big test of my commitment, and that it would again be time to focus on myself..
Something I'm far better at doing these days, thankfully.
Thanks to last year, actually, lol.
("Best of my heart" by Eagles just came on)

Plus, these are some of the areas I've generally agreed with you that I have been to improve.
Not just because you need that in a partner; mostly because I like being able to do those things and feeling like the ppl I live with appreciate my flow and contributions.

Just had to work through some traumas first, more from childhood, that made it harder for me to recieve that feedback and even harder when my own procrastination led to your frustration.
Didn't realize that until a few weeks ago.
Brain thunder, lol

I love you...
You're in my prayers..
Esp as I know there are many towers that have crashed and are crashing around you all at one time...
If only you weren't such a stubborn old goat sometimes, lol
I know Spirit has shown you infinite times, how to get unstuck and have harmonious relations and experiences with everyone.
How to face your karma; in many different ways.
Though you're almost as stubborn as I am.
Which is why I get it.
So instead of being scared for you or worried; as I was the first time around, I've decided to be amused and faithful.
Cuz I know you've got this.
That you're chosing yourself.
Having faith in yourself.
And likewise, having faith in me.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Dear Cabbit...memories... kept...

I've been slowly adding memories of us to my YouTube.
It started with some subs asking me to share our story.
Then, when I felt really sad about things, I realized in its own way, putting my memories on my yt, is a way of keeping them.
It's not like I could ever forget any of them.
Though this way, it's like with fb memories.
Years from now, they'll still be there.
With all my natural feelings about them.
Most of them spoken from a faithful and grateful space.

Just did another one tonight.
Shorter then the rest.
Just about Merchants.
It was fun to talk about it.
Feels like an evolved recycle of when I was sharing memories on fb after you first left.
Except better.

I do also have the feeling that you and those who want to keep you trapped, are likely watching them, just as I knew before you told me when I was doing the fb processing videos, that the rQoS and others were watching everything I was doing.
And I trust myself now.
So I know that's true of now too.
Ha, and it's 11:22; so it must be true! Lol

I've no idea of what will come up on your end, nor any concern about it.
If nothing else, I know it'll make you laugh.
Most esp if others are obsessing about anything I'm doing, right when you're trying so hard to stay in your victim mode and "move on" as you've yet to be able to do 😜

That song "maybe I'm amazed by the way you love me all the time", just came on the radio.
Fun 😎

Dear Cabbit...tracks of my tears...

That LR song just came on the radio.
Funny enough, the mixture of cadence and lyrics with that song..
That fit my current mood well.
Got me to thinking about..
Of all this time you feared I'd moved on better then you..
Or was ever able to "just let it go"..
You should've always been able to tell..
Cuz when you look close..
You can see my smile is out of place...
Cuz of the tracks of my tears stained there..

Of course..
Now "Hard to say I'm sorry" by Chicago came on..
The last time I heard this song..
Was about this time last time..
When you were asking for forgiveness..
Which I gave you genuinely then..
Just as I will now..
Or whenever "now" is that your slow poke butt gets enough self confidence to reach out, lol

Dear Cabbit...I can feel it...

Some big happy changes are coming.
I know one of the many is you addressing the way you've behaved, and standing up as a true masculine.
With lots of integrity.
Just like you told me
And committed to spirit that you wanted.

Dear Cabbit...12:12 Shift..

Idk exactly what it is..
I have some theories..
Esp based on some signs that have brought themselves to me..

It feels good.
Like that song "it's your thang. Do what you want to do." sort of vibe.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Dear Cabbit...silence..

I spent most of the day trying to work..
Running from being at the house..
Telling myself the signs I see aren't real..

Now I'm sitting in the RV..
After spending most of the day in the car crying..
Feeling like I'm losing my magick..
Which feels like the cost..
Of giving you up..

Several times..
Some cars nearly ran into me..
And instead of being scared..
I felt like..
Wouldn't it be nice if it was out of my hands like that?
If it just happened?
So no one could blame me..
So I didn't have to be strong anymore..
Or honorable..
Or patient..
So I didn't have to sit here..
Feeling like I'm either the bravest person ever, for holding onto hope..
Or the biggest fool in the world..
In all the worst ways..

Now I'm just sitting in silence..
Feeling the tears come and go from behind my eyes..
I don't want to hear the music..
I don't want to listen to the readers..
I don't want to watch movies that remind me of you no matter how much they shouldn't..
I don't want to be around the kids...who remind me of you most of all..
I don't want to be here either..
Though there's nowhere I can really go..
So I just sit here..
In the silence..

Dear Cabbit...the way I love you...

It was an unexpected evolved recycle..
To be told by a friend whose been with me throughout this seperation..
That she loves the way I love you..
That she hopes you can one day see yourself through my eyes..

That's the second time since you left..
That a friend has told me that..
And the 5th time since we met..
That I've been told that..
6...if I count that you used to always tell me you love the way I love you..

It's a strange feeling..
Thinking about how...
There's such a real possibility..
That this might have just been a story..
Of how I love you with all my heart..
With all your flaws and quirks..
So much so that everyone else sees it..
Even you..
And it's still not enough..
That I'll spend the rest of my life loving you..
While you never really loved me too..

It feels like that's crazy..
Esp with what an you've shown me..
Though idk..
It feels like a reality I must accept..
At least right now..

Dear Cabbit...despair...

I was just listening to a video of the signs that a guy is hiding and fighting his feelings for you..

Most of them were there..

Except you helping me and making excuses to talk to me..

And that brings up sadness..

Of all the ways you put tons of effort into helping others..

And not me..

Esp since you left..

It felt like if nothing else, the ex benefits package would kick in..

And you'd at least see me as the mother of your son's..

And help me based on that...

Though you've never really asked..

Not unless it had to do with trying to buy your way out of the pain you've caused...

Then the thoughts come in..

Of the times you have said to be careful while I'm out..

And offered to get things to mattresses..

Though idk..

I'm torn..

I still see your text about how you don't need "my drama" when you're dealing with so much of your own, by which you mean Tina...

You've always given priority to others..

And to your drama..

And it hurt that you didn't see being there for your boys and resolving those challenges, as a "your drama", and as worthy of hashing out...

I don't want that to be "drama", but if nothing else, it should be priority...

And it feels like..

If nothing else...

After 19 years of giving myself to you..

The least you could do is not dismiss me for bs drama with karmics...

Like you did when we were together..

Ultimately sabatoging us by making sure you always had someone else's problems to keep you distressed and distracted..

So you could say I wasn't worthy of your time..

Of your effort..

I remember when you said all you wanted was the effort..

Which is when I gave more then ever..

And it still wasn't enough...

To even get that simple effort from you..

Not for very long anyways..


Today feels like one of those days I want to find whatever custody papers needed and bring them to you.

Not to fight.

No more fighting.

Just to be done with it.

To show you that I'm done.

To show you how sad I really am.

To show you that I'm really walking away.

That it's not a game or trick.

That you're really losing me.

Not because I don't want you.

But because it feels like I've been crazy to think you've ever wanted me as anything more then a safe place to hide and think about your ex's...

Who you've made sure I could never hold a candle to..

Not cuz they're better than me..

Not cuz I'm not lovable in all the ways that are more perfect for you...

Simply because you didn't want me too...

Cuz you don't want real love..

Not to give it..

Not to recieve it..


I'm not gonna do anything..

Other than just feel my feelings..

Write them down sometimes..

And try to keep my faith that you're actually healing..

That the only crazy thing I could ever think, is that you don't love me and aren't coming..

Idk how long I can maintain that space anymore..

Esp with the tears that have come back so regularly since I took such a big leap of faith in telling you you're not welcome until you come correct..

And then having the boys block you for my own sanity..

So I could actually hold back from you...

In ways I've been unable to do before..

Which I know needed to happen..

Cuz if I am just as crazy as you say..

And you're actually happy where you are..

And you were just leading me on for all these years..

Then I need to severe the connection..

And that starts here..

With distance..

With pulling back..

With letting myself feel the grief..

It feels like Spirit is telling me this is just so that when union comes back in...

That I won't be holding onto all this grief..

I hope that's true..

I love you..

I miss you...

I hope I made the right choices..

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Dear Cabbit...up to something..

I'm def feeling better today.
Certainly lighter.
Ready for some fun and adventure, without all the "waiting" energy.
Least of all waiting for you.
Which, funny enough, I know you're taking that as a rejection, when actually, it's a compliment.
I know it didn't come out that way.
I also know you wouldn't have heard me if I'd spoken in my language rather then yours.
A dynamic I know won't remain after we make it through this reset.
Cuz that's exactly why I followed the flow and let the towers fall.
So we can start over communication wise.
Which is important to anything else.

Either way.
I couldn't have laid these boundaries and pushed our boat away from the shore, if I didn't have faith in you to catch up.
I couldn't have spoken those hard truths to you, if I didn't have faith in you to do whatever you must to prove to yourself that you can do better.

Which, I know you'll see at some point.
I could really care less if you came to me in a ragged loin cloth and not yet healed at all, or if you came in a $2k suit all zutted up.
Though it became clear to me, that you couldn't let yourself come to me just any way.
Sort of like your thing about "3 months salary".
Yes, it's a bit of an excuse.
Though it's also about how you want to see yourself.
You want to see yourself as high caliber.
You want to be able to show off.
You want to feel brave and high value.

All things I've known you're capable of achieving in any situation.
You just need to access your passion, release your pain, and to stop allowing yourself to be chained to ppl and places that drain you.

I also know that I have choices in all this, and I'm choosing to stand in my power.
Cuz I sense you coming.
I'm more ways then one 😏
And this time around, there will be respect and kindness.

What's funny, is that you can see from the posts before this one, I've def been in my feels about all of this.
Cuz yes, I am human too.
Though after some stuff your fam said and did, and some stuff goldenrod did and said...
I think you're up to something...

In fact, it feels to me like you're single.
There's a waffle on whether or not you're living on your own yet or not.
Though I can tell by what ppl are saying and doing, and what spirit is showing me..
That you're waking up.
Getting ready to rise.
To glow up.
To be the kind of man that no one can ever challenge the way I've challenged you.

Which I send you my prayers for.
I certainly don't like that everything I said was true.
It's been very disappointing.
I know you got that house and did all you did, to try to show what you could do.
That you could stand as a man in all the ways you promised you could if you just had your own house and garage.

Though clearly, as manifested, you cannot do that there.
Not the way you've allowed things to be.
It's time for change.
Changes you're now instigating.

I can feel you coming towards me.
Idk how soon, but it feels like very soon.

Suppose we'll see, eh? Lol

Monday, April 5, 2021

Dear Cabbit...trying not to cry too loud..

Feels like that might be the name of an album I'll write some day..
That will contain all the words and feels I couldn't share here..
No longer wanted to post on FB..
And felt I could no longer share with you..

All the feelings that become the salt in the wounds of all the things I did say..
That you didn't hear even when I got brave enough to send or speak them..

I think another album will be "words that sting" and another "I didn't exist"..

That's how I'm feeling tonight..
Like I never existed to you..
And it certainly never mattered if I did..
Least of all right now..
When I need you... 

Dear Cabbit...deleting the music...

Next up..
After all the great jokes...
And all the uplifting memes..
Is the pics I took of the music..
On the radio...
That reminded me of you..
That felt like you sending me your thoughts and feelings..
That helped me get through each moment..
When you likely weren't..
Cuz I've probably hardly been on your mind at all..
At least not as anything more then a "thorn"..

Dear Cabbit...deleting what was saved...

I'm in a watery place today...
I decided to get started on what I said I was going to do..
Start deleting...
I'm still not strong enough to delete pics of you...
Though I'm strong enough to release the memes and comics and various things I've been saving to send to you..
Or too remind me of you...
Or that held some meaning to me..

There were almost 1500 in all...
And that's just since last August..
And it's taking my phone a lot of energy to delete all those at once..
I can only imagine what it'll take to get the rest..

It feels like my phone is having just as hard a time releasing the energy of my love for you.. 
As I am..

Though it feels like time..
Time to let this stuff go..
I'm not sure if it's because I'm sensing it's really over...and this'll help me really let you go..
Or if I'm sensing that we're nearing rebirth, and this is simply part of releasing the "old us" a newer better us can come in...

Either way..
It hurts..
Cuz all I can feel right now..
Is like you don't see me..
That you never have..
And you probably never will...

Dear Cabbit...I love you no matter what...

You can go through all your tantrums.
Throw all the fits you want.
Make it through this second childhood..
And made the biggest messes..

I'll still be here..
Loving you..
Knowing if that's all I can give.
That's ok...

Dear Cabbit...squishy day...

I'm in my feels today...
I miss you..
I'm mad sad disappointed that things have had to have gone the way they have..
It feels like for all your accusations of me being controlling..
That you're the one whose controlled all of this..
To the point where the only option has been to get to this point...
Where I have to have ultimate control over the kids and myself..
And then sit here alone..
Crying in the car by myself some more..
Questioning my worth..
And my sanity..
Wondering if I wasted the best years of my life on this connection..
Or if this is just a bump in the road...

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Dear Cabbit...leap..

It's 6:11
And I can feel you getting ready to take a leap of faith towards me..
I look forward to that 😎

Dear Cabbit... controlling you vs control my inner peace...

Was just thinking about my next session with Goldenrod.
About telling him about our latest interactions, and how actually rather adorable it is that you're still confusing the difference between someone trying to control you vs someone with healthy boundaries who is control themselves and their environment, to maintain their own inner peace, self love, and sanity.

And actually, how adorable it is that I confused that for so long too.

Either way, I know that Spirit is helping you learn the differences.
And as you do, you'll realize what's really happened with us recently, and will see that the communication blocks and the boundaries & rules I communicated to you, have absolutely nothing to do with controlling you and everything to do with acceptance that not only can you not be controlled by me (which I never wanted in the first place) and that you aren't able to control yourself or have much empathy for the boys or me right now, which means it's not healthy for our inner peace, to have freeform interactions.

Most esp after your approach to "apologizing" to our oldest, followed by texting him when drunk after he just you you how much that hurts his feelings.

Our youngest is looking up videos on yt and tt today, about what it means to be "drunk" and what "alcoholic" means.
We talked a little about it this morning and will talk more about it in the days ahead.

Anyways, that's one of the many examples of why the current boundaries are best.
Not that they are "necessary"; just very logical and healthy.
It protects the boys hearts and inner peace, and mine also.
As knowing there's no communication between you and them rn, when you're at the height of your paranoia about being controlled, is calming for me.
You can't trick or lie to them.
You can't tell or show them anything going on in your life, which means I won't get hurt by anything known or unknown.
You can't send messages to me through them, like you have done.
You can't use them to distract yourself from the shituationships you've created.
You can't use them to hurt me.
I can't use them to hurt you.
They have a chance to not be "in the middle" of our fights.
You can't get hurt by anything they tell you that I'm doing or we're doing.
And so long as you aren't reaching out to me, then you and the rQoS cannot use any active interactions to create drama or hide their own bad behaviour behind; esp as time goes on, and the silence grows - which will bring the clarity that it wasn't anything I or the boys were doing, that were creating problems been you two.
Those problems already existed.

Relationships don't get problematic because of outside influences.
They get problematic because of inside influences.
The problems inside ourselves.
Ha, it's 10:42am/7 - so it's true 😜

In any case, I'm looking forward to you learning this valuable lesson.
That boundaries aren't about controlling anyone else.
They are about controlling yourself in healthy ways, to protect your relationship with yourself.
In fact, I'll take it a step further; they are about getting away from any ppl and situations where you feel any need to protect yourself or anyone else.
Cuz when we're in "protection mode", we're acting from a place of fear, negative ego, and lack.
Healthy boundaries help you get into and stay in gratitude, joy, self love, self respect, and inner peace.

Your relationship with yourself and all those energies, is the most important relationship you will ever have and always have.
It needs to come first before any outside relationships and dynamics.
Cuz until you feel worthy of inner and outer peace regardless of how others feel about that, you cannot have peaceful external relationships.
Cuz they'll forever be dictated by fears of conflict, rejection, abandonment, etc...
And those are not peaceful inner or outer states.

I've taken my time to do things right in this separation, for myself as well as us and the boys.
And I'm very happy about that.
I'm very happy to now being seeing the results of my efforts manifesting in so many ways; most esp the lack of paranoia.
About you fully abandoning the boys and me.
About you hurting yourself.
About others taking advantage of you.
About you taking advantage of me andor the boys.
About the future, past, or present.

Even if it's only right now, I'm feeling peaceful inside, and I'm capitalizing on that feeling.
Ha, it's 10:51 now, another 7! 😂

I could tell
By your attempts at the old silent treatment and crazy making tactics with me, and you're lament to our oldest that you can't get along with me because you believe I'm just upset cuz I can't control you and couldn't do so in our previous union;
That you're in a state of paranoia again.

Which I'm not upset about.
It actually shows me we are in the part of the spiralcycle I thought we were, not long after you left and then were a dick to me that night of the "done done" rudeness in your attempt to placate the rQoS by being unnecessarily rude to me.
After I contacted as many of your friends, our friends, and my friends, just to let you know you always had ppl you could reach out to if you wanted to.
Cuz I was afraid you were feeling like hurting yourself intentionally.
Though you were convinced I was just doing it to try to get you to let me keep the car.
Then I came up to you shop to check on you and make sure you were ok.
Cuz you're behavior and the shituationship you manifested, scared me.
I was scared for you.
I wanted to be sure you were all right.
That was it.

I remember you yelling at me.
Demanding I tell you what my intented outcome was in coming up there.
Which is when I told you I didn't have one.
That was also the day you told me I couldn't control you, which I know now was more you trying to convince yourself that you couldn't be controlled and that was all I must want, cuz that's all you've ever allowed yourself to believe anyone really wants from you.
Cuz you don't feel your worthy of others just loving you for you.

In any case.
I know now, what I didn't know back then;
That you're being like that, cuz you're unable to pretend that the shituationship with the rQoS is healthy, happy, or sustainable, you're seeing how out of control you're entire life is rn, and you're unable to hide from the fact that the lack of control you have in your own life is from your own unhealthy habits.
You're guides are making it impossible for you to hide from accountability.
11am on the dot - Karma.

Because I know now, that your paranoia and misunderstanding why I've made my boundaries and parenting rules very firm, shows me that you're going through a bunch of tower moments and "boiling points".
The last time this happened, I wasn't able to withdraw and keep myself and the kids out of the ever moving "blast zones".
This time I am.
So that's what I'm doing. 
Keeping us out of the blast zones.

Cuz they are happening.
And they are going to happen no matter what I or the boys do.
And as they happen, you'll continue to attack everyone and everything around and within you.
The paranoia will heighten, most likely with emphasis because you misinterpret me being "done", as be being done with you as my DM andor being done with you being an active dad to our boys, when all I actually mean is that I'm done with the toxic games and done rescuing you.
Cuz I recognize the hero/rescuer/protector dynamic is trauma bonding, NOT love.
Something I know you now know too, and are experiencing dissonance about from reading it on many of the memes I sent you to help you get right so you can have healthy relationships with our boys and understand why they feel so hurt by your actions.
And I know that meme had a big impact on you, cuz in a healed state you wouldn't have gotten so upset at me sending that stuff to you, and the same is true if everything really was "all good" in the shituationship over there. 
Cuz if it were good and healthy, then there'd be nothing to trigger you.
You'd likely have been very thankful for confirmation that it was healthy on top of feeling good.
Though because it isn't healthy and doesn't feel good at all, seeing the truth of why it isn't and that you cannot force it to suddenly feel good or be healthy; that stings.
And because you've been running from accountability, it's easier to blame me for feeling hurt by that stuff, then to accept that it hurts because you've been refusing to face it and heal it.

It struck me a bit to read it also.
Though it helped me see I'm ready to release the hero/victim/villain cycles in my life.
Cuz that's trauma bonding.
Not love.
Genuine love is knowing you can do this.
That you're path of healing doesn't need to look like anything I recognize, and that I don't have to observe it in order to know it's happening.
And now it's 11:11 😎

Now it's time for the ultimate leaps of faith.
To trust that you love me even more for calling you out, leaving you breadcrumbs to the infinite healing paths forward, and for setting and holding healthy boundaries.
Which I know is already true, cuz you said so in that note you sent from one of the last time we had couples counseling.
When you wrote that you recognize the boundaries I set, aren't just good for me.
They are good for the boys and good for you.
And because I'm so thoughtful and think ahead, they are often good for you in ways you often aren't aware of in the moment they are set and then you throw tantrums about them.
11:14 😜

You always come back to that knowledge.
And you never delete anything meaningful, and often get nostalgic about us; as shown by you even going through those notes and even more by you sending me that one.
So I know you'll lead yourself into seeing what's really happened and why, when you're free to do so and ready to do so.

And for the first time in a long time, I am comfortable with however long that takes and have complete faith in that happening.

And I tell you what; Complete Faith is far more fun and satisfying then 'Complete Control'.
Which was misunderstood anyways.
Yes, I love playing with CC in kinky ways.
Yes, I enjoy some control.
Though I've never been one who wants control by force.
I want surrender that is mutually enjoyable.
Control by force isn't genuine.
Control by fear isn't genuine.
Control from those only placating you, doesn't feel good.
Control from someone whose only doing it because they fear being alone, is hollow.
Control that isn't fun, consensual, and freely flowing is just a bunch of hollow victories.

That's why even when you tried to make it look like you were giving me control and have tried to make me feel like I was being controlling, were never acceptable to me.
Those are hollow victories.
Energies I've no desire for.

I know you don't desire them either.
Though I also know you love me more then anyone, that I'm really your "first" love; cuz all the rest were traima bonding, and that you're the man I've always known you to really be.
You just need a little time and space to see that too, and come back to you.
Where you always find me.
And our boys.
Our family.
11:22 🥰

I'm hearing a song in my head that I haven't heard in a while...
"Everybody needs a little time a part..."
"Hold me's hard for me to say I'm sorry..."
"I just want you to know..."
I'm pretty sure that's "hard for me to say I'm sorry" by Chicago.

I'm gonna send my loving prayers up to you, have faith, and find some fun to be had.

I love you.
In this life time and all those that come after it, just as I have in all lifetimes that have come before it.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Dear Cabbit... cheating with the memory of her...

Read a missed connections post earlier with that title.
It felt very much like the confessions I desired from you, that I no longer need.
I accepted them and felt better in that moment.

Though now, I'm finding in between my good vibes, I'm feeling waves of sadness and then the words of that post pop into my head.
I know that's you.
I love you.
You've got this.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Dear Cabbit...karaoke with the boys...

The boys and I are at mirkwood tonight, ready to do karaoke.
Felt like the best thing to do after the hard ending of the old cycle with you. 

Wish you were great instead of being stubborn.. 
Lots of memories you won't get to share with us...

Though I decided that I'm not gonna get myself so sad about all that you're missing.

The boys and I are gonna have fun no matter what, and just pray for you.

Dear Cabbit...comfy space...

You know...
It's interesting..
I've been thinking about things since yesterday.
How I've worked to get comfortable with longer amounts of space between us.
With no longer giving all of me, most esp communication wise.

And it feels like...
This is a "first" moment of sorts.
Where I actually feel good about leaving things as they are, even if you run away for good.
Funny enough, I know now that you won't.
Though it feels good knowing I'm healed enough to feel happy no matter what happens.

That feels nice.
To no longer feel singularly responsible for what happens next.
To no longer feel like the world will end if I don't put in all the work meant for you to do..
To feel like there are many grand adventures ahead
And the coolest part; feeling complete faith in you to keep growing and learning and finding your way back to yourself.
Which always leads him back to me and our boys.
Though even if it doesn't this time, I know it'll lead you to genuine happiness.
And so will I.
And that brings me happiness now.

And dissolves the old feelings that I need to constantly keep track of everything or lead it or fix it or do anything.
Which feels very freeing.

Kind of like the positive side to "I have options".
It feels great to feel like we all have infinite options and no matter which we choose, it'll all always work out ❤️

Dear Cabbit...that which you resist persists..

You'd probably laugh.
Though one of the reasons I actually do have great faith in you in many many ways, is cuz I know one of the greatest cosmic laws: that which you resist persists.

And because you've been so resistant to doing right by the boys, I know that energy persists in the rest of your life.
And that will continue until you learn the karmic lesson.
Which really, I think has been your biggest karmic lesson, and why you manifested the rQoS.
Cuz you complained about how "hard" it was to be a good dad for so long.
Then fought against healthy boundaries that were for THEM.
Not for you.
Not for the rQoS.
Not for me.
For the boys.
The same kinds of boundaries you deserved when you were young.
The same kinds of boundaries you deserved now...
And have put yourself in the position to have to give to yourself.
The more you resist that
The more that karmic lesson persists.

I also know
Because of your resistance to me
And cuz of your words to our oldest
That I persist in your heart and head
And not in all the bad ways you act like.
Actually, I can tell by your own words and actions that in persist in you in far more good ways.
That you're mostly just mad at yourself
And what you've let your life become
And that I'm not being outwardly "sweet" to you anymore.
Which you probably feel you need more then ever right now.

You're not wrong about that either.
It's just that you need to give it to yourself first.
And the more you resist that
The more that will persist
Until you do it.

All, ironically
Because you have manifested wanting to learn those lessons.