Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Dear Cabbit...up to something..

I'm def feeling better today.
Certainly lighter.
Ready for some fun and adventure, without all the "waiting" energy.
Least of all waiting for you.
Which, funny enough, I know you're taking that as a rejection, when actually, it's a compliment.
I know it didn't come out that way.
I also know you wouldn't have heard me if I'd spoken in my language rather then yours.
A dynamic I know won't remain after we make it through this reset.
Cuz that's exactly why I followed the flow and let the towers fall.
So we can start over communication wise.
Which is important to anything else.

Either way.
I couldn't have laid these boundaries and pushed our boat away from the shore, if I didn't have faith in you to catch up.
I couldn't have spoken those hard truths to you, if I didn't have faith in you to do whatever you must to prove to yourself that you can do better.

Which, I know you'll see at some point.
I could really care less if you came to me in a ragged loin cloth and not yet healed at all, or if you came in a $2k suit all zutted up.
Though it became clear to me, that you couldn't let yourself come to me just any way.
Sort of like your thing about "3 months salary".
Yes, it's a bit of an excuse.
Though it's also about how you want to see yourself.
You want to see yourself as high caliber.
You want to be able to show off.
You want to feel brave and high value.

All things I've known you're capable of achieving in any situation.
You just need to access your passion, release your pain, and to stop allowing yourself to be chained to ppl and places that drain you.

I also know that I have choices in all this, and I'm choosing to stand in my power.
Cuz I sense you coming.
I'm more ways then one 😏
And this time around, there will be respect and kindness.

What's funny, is that you can see from the posts before this one, I've def been in my feels about all of this.
Cuz yes, I am human too.
Though after some stuff your fam said and did, and some stuff goldenrod did and said...
I think you're up to something...

In fact, it feels to me like you're single.
There's a waffle on whether or not you're living on your own yet or not.
Though I can tell by what ppl are saying and doing, and what spirit is showing me..
That you're waking up.
Getting ready to rise.
To glow up.
To be the kind of man that no one can ever challenge the way I've challenged you.

Which I send you my prayers for.
I certainly don't like that everything I said was true.
It's been very disappointing.
I know you got that house and did all you did, to try to show what you could do.
That you could stand as a man in all the ways you promised you could if you just had your own house and garage.

Though clearly, as manifested, you cannot do that there.
Not the way you've allowed things to be.
It's time for change.
Changes you're now instigating.

I can feel you coming towards me.
Idk how soon, but it feels like very soon.

Suppose we'll see, eh? Lol