Thursday, April 8, 2021

Dear Cabbit...memories... kept...

I've been slowly adding memories of us to my YouTube.
It started with some subs asking me to share our story.
Then, when I felt really sad about things, I realized in its own way, putting my memories on my yt, is a way of keeping them.
It's not like I could ever forget any of them.
Though this way, it's like with fb memories.
Years from now, they'll still be there.
With all my natural feelings about them.
Most of them spoken from a faithful and grateful space.

Just did another one tonight.
Shorter then the rest.
Just about Merchants.
It was fun to talk about it.
Feels like an evolved recycle of when I was sharing memories on fb after you first left.
Except better.

I do also have the feeling that you and those who want to keep you trapped, are likely watching them, just as I knew before you told me when I was doing the fb processing videos, that the rQoS and others were watching everything I was doing.
And I trust myself now.
So I know that's true of now too.
Ha, and it's 11:22; so it must be true! Lol

I've no idea of what will come up on your end, nor any concern about it.
If nothing else, I know it'll make you laugh.
Most esp if others are obsessing about anything I'm doing, right when you're trying so hard to stay in your victim mode and "move on" as you've yet to be able to do 😜

That song "maybe I'm amazed by the way you love me all the time", just came on the radio.
Fun 😎