Sunday, April 18, 2021

Dear Cabbit....emails...

Emailing you is such an interesting experience.
Esp when I don't have to.

Though that's part of what makes it kind of fun.
There are so many ways I could communicate with you.
If I wanted to, we both know I could make my presence known in very big ways that no one could really speak against.
And really, nothing I do is ever going to be anything near as toxic or dramatic as what the visitors have done in the past.

Which is oddly comforting, lol
Cuz they and your siblings visitors and the story of you all, has been filled with such drama and unrighteousness that even if I got as dramatic as the visitors, it would just be "expected".
As like, a "normal" and understandable response to your own choices.

Though I'm sure you're noticing what most everyone else is; I'm not like that.

I have it in me.
Should I ever truly need it.
Though that day likely won't ever arrive.
It's much more fun to find high vibe ways to shift timelines and heal the origins of the drama then to play the old boring games you and everyone else are used to and expect.

It's also much more fun to mind my own business and glow up, knowing that drives you wild in all the best ways, lol

I told you you didn't have to worry about me coming to you, cuz YOU will be coming to ME.

I digress though..
As the sweetness of finding reasons to send you emails, reminds me of the emails I used to send you way back when..
When it was the only way to contact you..
Not that it helped much, considering you could only really connect at the library and at your brothers.
You remember that?
Going to the library to check your email? 😂

Wish I still had access to the tw86 email.
I'm amazed I even remember the name of it.
Either way.
It will be sweet when you send me screenshots of what I used to write to you..
And when you give me access to your email again.

I'm sure I didn't put anything 'too brave' in there outside of the one email where I confessed about that truth or dare game gone wrong.
And really, how adorable am I that my heart broke itself thinking that was such a huge deal when we were only fwbs? Lol

I'm enjoying the sweetness of what simple unassuming emails I can send from time to time.
Where I know you'll always have them to look back on, no matter what phone you have or what goes on with the clouds.

Fun to think about what that'll look like 20 years from now, lol