Sunday, April 25, 2021

Dear Cabbit...from war to tour..

Somewhat recently, I told my best galpal that Spirit had helped me see it's time to start releasing the energy of all karmics.
Which is when I first decided to start thinking of you as simple "away at war", and as myself as a loyal, blessed, and confident walksbeside caring for the family while you go through your "wars".
Thinking of it this way became super funny when our youngest prince thought to stop that fight at the park the other day, and said he saw the other kids were "war starting", lol
Spirit loves to both make fun of me and show me how much fun can be had with manifestings like these, and I luff that, lol

It was that energy that lead me towards getting away from using the term "karmic" or anything that gives any significant permanent placement of their energy in our story.
Which was inspired by something happening with my friends after that dreamtime being came to visit them in the 3d, that I helped confirm for them, was not a being or creature they could trust, and helped be the 'inevitable hero' that my birthdayology day says I am, lol

That's how I got towards referring to all temporary teachers in the story of us, as "visitors".
Cuz that's all they are.
They do have an influence on the story.
Though it's temporary.
And in the scheme of things, the only part of their presence in our story that's consequential, is that they came to help show us how much we love ourselves, each other, our kids, and being sources of good and light in the world 🥰🥰🥰

I'm definitely grateful to all the visitors who've already come and gone, those currently exiting, and those who will come and go in the future.
Whenever I look at the story of us, it's the contrast they bring to us, that seems to add the rocket fuel to our magnetic reunions.

In many ways.
I almost find myself looking forward to any future moments when any visitors might attempt to come tempt you again.
Cuz I know this time around, you're far more aware of how they always bring us closer, and I look forward to moments when you and I get to look into each other's eyes full of consciousness, and giggle about anyone "checking in", or trying to create emotional strings to lure you in with.
Esp after these past 19.5 years.
This past year adding much not emphasis.
Not spouses.
Not exes.
Not flirty workplace cougars.
Not mean friends.
Not devils nor demons nor distance.
Nothing drives us apart.
Not even conflict.
It all brings us closer and closer, lol

I was thinking last night..
About how you used to always say you were afraid to pursue your dream to be a famous musician.
And how a part of your fear is that I wouldn't be happy or still love you if you were away on tour - most esp if you joined in on the lifestyle it appears rockstars live when on tour..
Funny thing is, I knew your fears were more about whether or not ppl would really love you as a musician, and about WANTING to get to be the wild bachelor who could freely do all he wanted; without having to share me with anyone else while you were away, when I'd show you that me and the boys could go with you and add to the fun.

With emphasis on when GoldenRod said he could totally see us as a gypsy carvan/partridge fam type family, lol

So, those thoughts came to me, cuz after seeing all my adorable choices of the past year; in addition to my choices 18 years before then, I laughed and thought "I sooooo def pass the musicians wife test".
I've got ever had quality and perfect temperment for it.
Most esp cuz I wouldn't be sitting around brooding or becoming some groupie.
I'd be out Manifesting my own delightful successes in various ways.
Ways that most def would keep you captivated, as they already do.
And I have so much self worth, self respect, open mindedness, and faith in myself, in you, and in Us, that no temperary flings would bother me.
Cuz they are just that; temporary.
And whether we have conflict over it or not, it'll bring us closer together.
Heck, clearly, even if they try to use powerful spells, legalities and crazymaking; they still can't break our natural divine connection.

And mostly; cuz neither of us want it broken 🥰🥰🥰

After thinking about the delightfulness of all that, and what I know are going to be fun conversations about all this..
I decided to change my thought thread, from thinking of you as away fighting your wars (which was fitting and you were doing), as now thinking of you as simple away "on tour".
And I'm delighted about how that will help you.
I know you've already started very much reconnecting with your music...
I'm not sure if you've locked yourself in your thrown room and MADE time to play guitar and work on your music..
Though I have a sense you will start now..
Esp as..
When I'm imagining myself as the beautiful walksbeside and wife of you as a famous touring musician..
I'm seeing visions of you taking your music very seriously at first..
Seriously enough that you protect it..
You work on it in private space.
You don't share it with visitors, and make conscious effort to smudge the space you play in in some way, so visitor energy doesn't effect your vibration or music..
You share your music with only me for a time..
Knowing I'm deeply trustworthy of hearing it and never adding icky energy to it.
You know I'll always be honest about how it sounds, without being judgey or unkind.
You like our interactions.
And you love when I play with you during production...
Trusting that anything you can't hear, I can.

I envision you daydreaming and fantasizing about letting yourself play passionately, and becoming a famous musician..
You seeing yourself as just as and moreso famous then I...
Which isn't a giant climb, but I do set the bar fairly high, and you know I'll always be the type to naturally climb higher and higher, just by being myself delightfully.
Which means you must be passionately in love with yourself and your music..
So you too, can delight others and feel supported in delighting them just by being who you choose to be naturally in each moment, and knowing that makes their enjoyment of your music even more profound for you and for them... 🥰

I'm imagining you delighting in impressing me.
Through which you always find yourself impressing yourself - which is the real fun in that sort of game.
Cuz with almost anyone else you know so far, the only way to impress them, is to be who you are not.
Whereas the only way to impress me, is to be more and more yourself.
To be real af.
The realest of the realest.
Which means you have to choose yourself in the healthiest ways, and by extension of that, means you didn't take, fake, or make up who you are, what you want, and what your made of.
Which means YOU achieved successes being YOU.

It feels sooooo good when we've achieved successes being ourselves, and then get to see and feel how deeeeply loved we are for that.
It melts away all the transactional love we used to try to hold onto like our lives depended on it.
And shows us how much more delicious it feels to fill our own cups and be loved for it.
How much better it feels to share not just because our cups are always overflowing, but because we're giving to those who also always have more then enough; which means they never have any "need" to require or demand we keep giving to them.

Deeeelicious thoughts.

Yours always, 
~ Lady Rose 🥰