Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Dear's's all falling down...

My dearest Cabbit...
I hate so very much to feel you feeling sad...
Especially when I don't know what's "appropriate" to do...
In my heart, I want to come over there and hold you...
Though in my soul, I know whatever this is, is stuff you need to make it through...
Whether it's another break up with your Queen of Swords...
Or another catastrophy financially...
Or health wise...
Or something caused by the circus in your house...

I fear what it is this time...
Especially as...if you look in many posts below...
I've been getting messages from Spirit for some time, that your situation will become worse and worse...more and more heartbreaking as time goes on...if you prolonge the inevitable outcome...if you procrastinate learning some of the biggest karma you've been avoiding healing and releasing for such a very long time...

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Dear Cabbit...I've been waiting to tell you..

Your fb profile...
Now that you have me semi-blocked...
Where it only shows public things from a while back...
Just below the first two your post from almost a year ago...
When you proposed on facebook to me...

Dear know what you need to do...

My dearest Cabbit....
I can see that you know...
I can feel that you feel it...
That you need to confess...
That you need to tell me everything.
Just lay it all out on the table.
Fearful or not.

Ironically, this time it's not because I require it.
Old me definitely would have.
Though I meant what I said.
I'll listen gratefully to every bit of your confessions.
Though I'd be grateful with spending the rest of my life tracing the wrinkles, scars, and callouses along your hands...getting to know the man you've now become, and loving getting to grow old and grow up with you, regardless of what happened during this time of our separation.

Not that I don't want to know.
I certainly do.
You know me.
I'm nosey, and I like to know things.
Plus, I love to know anything that helps me know you better.
Which is one form of loving you that I know you've always loved but never quite understood.
I know you've never had anyone else who wanted to hear about all of your past loves and future interests in such great detail...
Though I know you'll understand it soon, if you don't already.
That's a part of that "deep appreciation"...
I appreciate knowing who you were...

Monday, April 27, 2020

Dear Cabbit...something switched...

I'm not fully sure what switched...
I do know I asked for feelin better...
Then some videos later...i did...
Now I see so many things...
Understand so much more...
I'll explain another time...
Until then...
Keep being as sweet as you are...
The smol frog was definitely a very good start...
Keep up stuff like that...and sorrys become much less important...
Ya know?

Still forever, always, and completely yours...
~Empress Bunnie...

Dear Cabbit...I have been writing...just not publishing...

I know I typically do a much better job of finding a way to be happy, especially when you're around...
Though as you saw yesterday, that's not been easy in this now...
I'm sad....Cabbit...
I miss you...
a lot...a lot...

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Dear Cabbit...I'm sorry I made you sad...

I feel like that thing...
that I've tried to avoid this whole time...
Has happened...
Something in me has broken...

I don't wanna talk to my friends...
I don't wanna doodle cabbie drawings...
I don't wanna play outside...
or work on my garden...

I don't even really want to be awake either..
Though my back hurts too much when I lay down too long...

I keep hearing all the things in my head...
That I was telling my friends...
About happier days coming...
Manifesting happy...
and such...
"Keep your chin up", and all that stuff...

I've been going back to doing the stuff I did before...
making lists of all the things I'm grateful for...
all the signs you're coming towards me...
all the reasons to keep my faith...
all the signs that you're "awake"...
all the reasons I'm worthy of you choosing me...
keeping faith in the day you'll finally "see"...."me"...

Though in order for you to really see me..
I have to keep seeing myself...
though when I look inward...
I see oceans of sadness..
shattered pieces of mirror glass...
with every hope...
every fear...
every tear...
floating along waves...
some of them calm...
some fierce...

(to be continued later...)


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Dear Cabbit... you're Sacral Chakra is healing..

Dear Cabbit...
I wish I could really express to you, how wonderful it is for me, to see you finding joy, Gratitude, and fun among the chaotic circus in your immediate life, and in the wider world.

Especially when I know how miserable you really are, in the situation you're in - especially being separated from me.

Though I know that's a part of the healing journey. For you to learn to fund happiness WITHIN, so that when we come back together, you no longer get lost in the toxicity of those around you. Nor that Savior complex.

I'm learning the same too. 
So it's not just you.

And oh...
I could write books and books and books..about how happy I am that not only are you showing me your little side more than you ever have...but that you're actually getting flirtatious...and playful you've been... I'm luffing it so actually calms my former need to be in a "rush"...
I'm enjoying the emotional honesty.
Especially after the other night...when I said I wished for you to really talk to me you used to...
And you said you were still choosing to not trust me...
And then now, because I stayed in understanding Empress mode, and said if that's how you still felt - to trust that and not tell me anything, and didn't engage in my former need to push you to "see me", or defend just how trustworthy I have always been.
Just letting you figure things out of your own...and then you started telling me real things! 
That makes my heart sing...
Even when it stings...
Even when I hear you're not being treated as the Emperor I know you really are...
Even when it means hearing that in facing your karma, you're going through hard things..
My heart still sings..
You're learning...
I'm learning..
No pushing...
No judging...
Just flowing...
And playing...
And reflecting...
And trusting...

It's funny...
It's so important, and yet not important at all, lol.

Anyways, my love...
My Dearest Cabbit...
I can tell... especially as more orange things come to you...and remind you...of the journey of us...
That part of this trusting...
Which is actually many ways...
And how much you're testing the provocative conversation
That your Sacral Chakra is healing. 
And as it heals, and allows you to feel your own joy without me or anyone else doing anything for you - that you find yourself wanting to connect with me...
The same way I realized last month, that I want most to connect with you, when happy and things are happening.

I can tell you're seeing..
That just as you are for me...
I'm your "cherry on top"...
That person you want to connect with, not because you "need" to, but because you want to.
Cuz it feels natural.
And magickal.
And like LOVE.

Such thoughts fill me up...
My Cabbit growing up..
Having fun...
Finding that growing up means finding and embracing that childlike wonder again.
You're truly beautiful to know.
Especially as we "grow as we go"... dearest Cabbit...
I must work for a while...
And doodle..
And flirt with you...
So until next i write...

Always, Forever, and Completely Yours,
~ Empress Bunnie 😊

P.s. I know Spirit is reminding you that if you don't get a move on this, it'll send another match to me, which is causing you Anxiety. Which is so adorable. And funny, considering you could've been following this blog all along...and have known that I've always been and always will be faithful... though really, I'm giggling at the way you set things up for yourself, to make it so you worry...and end up bringing yourself close to me, with the fear that you might lose me.
When the day comes that you get to read this, I'm gonna giggle so much, lol.

Which I'm sure you're thinking about me I'd imagine that's what your notes in the notebook have to say too...about how I never had anything to worry about

Friday, April 10, 2020

Dear Cabbit...I know you're sorry...

And I know you're scared that sorry won't be enough.
Especially after everything you've been through...
And now that you're seeing how much of it manifested via your choosings...
And while I can assure you till I'm blue in the face, that an apology is no longer necessary for me the way it used to be, I know that part of your karmic learning, includes giving genuine apologies.
And experiencing them being genuinely received.
Though until you do something first...
That day will be delayed...
That "something" saying sorry to YOURSELF...
Then genuinely forgiving yourself.
Which, once you do...
So many things will make sense...
It'll be incredible.
Magickal even...
You'll see soon...

Until then..
I'm amusing myself with various doodles and projects.
Working on affirming my awesomeness, lol.
Talk to you soon my dearest Cabbit...

Always, Forever, and Completely Yours,

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


I've been loving the playful bratty energy lately.
Especially in combination with you showing you've been doing your inner work and practicing better self care, boundaries, decisiveness, and assertiveness...
Though with the remaining ambiguity - which I'm thinking is one of your ShadowLight Powers...
I'm enjoyably confused as to what you're up to...
I know it has something to do with clearing out a past cycle wherein that bottle opener played a significant role...
Though I figured you'd already figured out the situation with the Queen of Swords when you started singing Johnny Cash tunes...
Then to read that there are still some members of the swords suit still cohabitating with you...
That definitely seems confusing...
At least..
The combination of what little info you gave me, and my huge fiction-writers brain...
Had me thinking for a minute, that you'd finally learned and cleared the primary karmic lessons you were meant to learn in the Green House...
To kindly, authentically, confidently, and gratefully end karmic dynamics and commitments...
To stand in your truth by following your heart and intuition...
and to clean up mess made during your stint in the circus...

Though I can see...
From you...

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Dear Cabbit...the Key to your Kingdom...

My Dearest budding Emperor...
You are so close...
It's delicious...
I love it!

You're so close...
It feels like... 
I can already feel...
Your lips on my lips..
Your breath on my neck...
Your hands holding down my hips...
Our energy unwinding...
Our energy..
Our everything...
Intertwining yet never entangling...
Becoming one yet retaining individual densities..
Feeling how it feels to feel like...
And also...
At the same time..
The synergy...
Of feeling you...
You feeling me...
Finally exploring...
It'll be...most literally..
The FIRST time...
A union...
Not just between Emperor and Empress..
Between God and Goddess...
Manifestors of worlds...
The Divine...
Learning how to PLAY...again..
How to be friends...
How to be Bigs...
While still being joyful Little's...
And Middles...
And Brats...

To be the "Kings and Queens of Beasts"..
Caring for the wigglers...
And crawlers...
And hippity hoppers...
The flyers..
And gallopers...
The swimmers..
And climbers...
The root growers..
seed makers...
Fruit barers...
All things..

My Love...
My Cabbit...
My Knight becoming King becoming Emperor...
The key...
To your freedom..
To your kingdom...
To your salvation....
To me...

The conflict you fear with the Queen of Swords...
The rejection you fear with me...
Who you now clearly see to definitely be and have Forever and Always been your Empress...
Can and will be easily unravelled...
When you see..
And believe...
And own...
That it's ALL a Creation...
It has always been...

Don't misunderstand me...
I'm NOT saying "it's all in your head."
It's NOT.
Nor am I saying anything is your fault, or that you manifested the current circus in your own.
You didn't.
What I am saying...
Is that once you own your Power..
To create...
To destroy...
To cry...
To burn...
To teach...
To learn...
To get wrapped up in ego...
Or choose embracing the absurd...
Once you recognize that even while you are conjuring with the collective...
You are also co-creating with the Divine...
And that at any time...
All that one need do...
Is ask...
For it to be fun...
For it to be easy...
For things to be healing..
And kind...
And fulfilling...
To ask..
My Dear Cabbit..
For HIGHER Love...
For and from yourself first...
Then from Spirit and the Earth...
Then from your Dearest Bunny Rose...

All you need do..
My sweet Cabbit...
Is ask Spirit to show you how to get out of your own way ag ALLOW yourself to see and feel all the doorways...and windows...and secret passages within secret passages...
Which can lead you anywhere you please..
Whether that be a great Piratey Peter Pan adventure on the high seas!
Or a relaxing date with me at a lovely calm lakeside beach...
Whatever your trueheart pleases...
You can make it so...
Especially if you add at the end...
"Blessed Be"...
A term of gratitude..
For all that is...
All that we..
All that will ever be...

Which is the true key... love...

*Happy Sigh*

Gratitude is growth...
Growth that leads to internal security...
And unlocks access to every easy solution there ever was and will be...
Through Spirit...
Through the trees...
Through your closet JC...
Through your heart...
Through me...

I could go on and on...
Thinking of you...
Of our coming Union...
Your arms around me...
Not out of obligation...or placating...
Out of love...
The way they used to be...
When I found you...
And you found me...
By an old cement stairway...
When we were both ready to do as we pleased...
To not worry about public opinion...
Or getting any recognition...
When we just followed our hearts...
Which just like back then...
Have always lead us right back to each other...
Time and Time again...

Or "time after time"...

So when you feel lost my Dear Cabbit...
I will be waiting...
Till you find you...
Time after Time...

I must finish building this bionic arm with our youngest Prince...
Then continue to make space in the garage...
I have a feeling we're gonna need it soon..
Especially if that yellow crown opener decides to start speaking English soon...

So until next I write...
Ahh....*happy sigh"*...
I'm still Always, Forever, and Completely Yours...
Empress Bunny Rose...

Dear Cabbit....a song for you..

This is just a simple post.

Though it's filled with so much love.
Through music.
Our favorite love language...

This song is called "The Vow"