I wish I could really express to you, how wonderful it is for me, to see you finding joy, Gratitude, and fun among the chaotic circus in your immediate life, and in the wider world.
Especially when I know how miserable you really are, in the situation you're in - especially being separated from me.
Though I know that's a part of the healing journey. For you to learn to fund happiness WITHIN, so that when we come back together, you no longer get lost in the toxicity of those around you. Nor that Savior complex.
I'm learning the same too.
So it's not just you.
And oh...
I could write books and books and books..about how happy I am that not only are you showing me your little side more than you ever have...but that you're actually getting flirtatious...and oh...how playful you've been... I'm luffing it so much...it actually calms my former need to be in a "rush"...
I'm enjoying the emotional honesty.
Especially after the other night...when I said I wished for you to really talk to me again...like you used to...
And you said you were still choosing to not trust me...
And then now, because I stayed in understanding Empress mode, and said if that's how you still felt - to trust that and not tell me anything, and didn't engage in my former need to push you to "see me", or defend just how trustworthy I have always been.
Just letting you figure things out of your own...and then you started telling me real things!
That makes my heart sing...
Even when it stings...
Even when I hear you're not being treated as the Emperor I know you really are...
Even when it means hearing that in facing your karma, you're going through hard things..
My heart still sings..
You're learning...
I'm learning..
No pushing...
No judging...
Just flowing...
And playing...
And reflecting...
And trusting...
It's funny...
It's so important, and yet not important at all, lol.
Anyways, my love...
My Dearest Cabbit...
I can tell... especially as more orange things come to you...and remind you...of the journey of us...
That part of this trusting...
Which is actually NEW...in many ways...
And how much you're testing the provocative conversation topics...lol
That your Sacral Chakra is healing.
And as it heals, and allows you to feel your own joy without me or anyone else doing anything for you - that you find yourself wanting to connect with me...
The same way I realized last month, that I want most to connect with you, when happy and things are happening.
I can tell you're seeing..
That just as you are for me...
I'm your "cherry on top"...
That person you want to connect with, not because you "need" to, but because you want to.
Cuz it feels natural.
And magickal.
And like LOVE.
Such thoughts fill me up...
My Cabbit growing up..
Having fun...
Finding that growing up means finding and embracing that childlike wonder again.
You're truly beautiful to know.
Especially as we "grow as we go"...
Well...my dearest Cabbit...
I must work for a while...
And doodle..
And flirt with you...
So until next i write...
Always, Forever, and Completely Yours,
~ Empress Bunnie 😊
P.s. I know Spirit is reminding you that if you don't get a move on this, it'll send another match to me, which is causing you Anxiety. Which is so adorable. And funny, considering you could've been following this blog all along...and have known that I've always been and always will be faithful... though really, I'm giggling at the way you set things up for yourself, to make it so you worry...and end up bringing yourself close to me, with the fear that you might lose me.
When the day comes that you get to read this, I'm gonna giggle so much, lol.
Which I'm sure you're thinking about me too...as I'd imagine that's what your notes in the notebook have to say too...about how I never had anything to worry about really...lol