And I know you're scared that sorry won't be enough.
Especially after everything you've been through...
And now that you're seeing how much of it manifested via your choosings...
And while I can assure you till I'm blue in the face, that an apology is no longer necessary for me the way it used to be, I know that part of your karmic learning, includes giving genuine apologies.
And experiencing them being genuinely received.
Though until you do something first...
That day will be delayed...
That "something" saying sorry to YOURSELF...
Then genuinely forgiving yourself.
Which, once you do...
So many things will make sense...
It'll be incredible.
Magickal even...
You'll see soon...
Until then..
I'm amusing myself with various doodles and projects.
Working on affirming my awesomeness, lol.
Talk to you soon my dearest Cabbit...
Always, Forever, and Completely Yours,