Thursday, April 8, 2021

Dear Cabbit...tracks of my tears...

That LR song just came on the radio.
Funny enough, the mixture of cadence and lyrics with that song..
That fit my current mood well.
Got me to thinking about..
Of all this time you feared I'd moved on better then you..
Or was ever able to "just let it go"..
You should've always been able to tell..
Cuz when you look close..
You can see my smile is out of place...
Cuz of the tracks of my tears stained there..

Of course..
Now "Hard to say I'm sorry" by Chicago came on..
The last time I heard this song..
Was about this time last time..
When you were asking for forgiveness..
Which I gave you genuinely then..
Just as I will now..
Or whenever "now" is that your slow poke butt gets enough self confidence to reach out, lol