It started for you on a day that my gal friends and I were talking about the second and far more important "sacred virginity", and how this seperation has me feeling very virginal, and how that so much fits in with how I wanted to feel when we handfasted..
I know you're picking up on that, and I know that while you have some ego fears about me possibly having shared myself with others, the truth is that I haven't.
And I know you know that.
You'd feel it if I had.
And I know you're deliciously kinky mind is imagining what it would be like to be together for the "first time" after so long, esp with the truths you've learned about me and about yourself in all this time.
Most esp that I love you; genuinely.
That I chose you because I want to, not because I have to.
And you LOVE that.
It feels like nothing else you've experienced.
I know this in my heart.
And I know that when you think about that song, you think about me..
And you see that it's connected to me..
And you think about 'what if...' I've remained chaste...
And what that might feeeeel like..
It's gonna be delicious..
Absolutely 😊