Friday, October 30, 2020

Dear's about to get dark...I'm praying for you....

 I have a feeling I might get back to using this blog more again...

Esp as I've had to suspend your phone line you are either refusing to be accountable, or the QoSr is preventing you from being able to do so....Idk if it's spellwork or gaslighting, blackmail or extortion...what I do know is that you're caving to your fears, and using my generosity to hurt yourself...

The best I can do have faith that in releasing you to what you're in...after showing you your reflection...will help you release yourself from her, your own dark thoughts about yourself, and get to the healing you sorely need....

Either me or hate me...I love you...

And I still have a strange sense of faith in this upcoming Blue Moon in a few days...

Stranger things have happened I suppose...

Either way...

I know by you not responding to me at all, when I told you very clearly that I would take that as a sign that you're being abused and need help, that this needs to be done. Which sucks, as I know that phone is needed for your job, and helps you keep some sense of separateness from her. Idk how dark it's going to get with your phone line being suspended before you could get a new one. I just know that I gave plenty of opportunities for you to ask for more time, to tell the truth, the free yourself, and to be reasonable.

Tomorrow I will file for DSHS, wherein she won't be able to get you to try to avoid paying me child support by suggesting we work on and then continually delay the parenting plan, or threats of going to court. As then you will be faced with the state and not me. I know that scares you, as you cannot afford to keep her there, pay rent, pay the utilities, and pay for our two kids. Though after 10 months, I've been patient enough, and it's clear you need help.

I love you my love. 

You've got this...

Always, forever, and completely yours...

~ Empress ~