Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Dear Cabbit...*hugs*

I miss you.
I know you miss me.

I still think of you lots, an pray for your happiness and good health often.

Tonight I'm cuddled up with lil lion and lady bunny, gettin ready fall asleep so we can get our oldest up in the mornin to get to go for some breakfast with you..
I'm proud of you for sayin yes to that.
And havin faith it's gonna be great for you both, and that if there are any squishies for anyone including me, they'll be minimal.

Also, I'm def getting into quittin smoke soon.
That tweet song you sent months ago; still true. 
Smokin smokin.
Thinkin of you...

Idk that I can prevent the thinking of you.
Though it feels like I can at least find something healthier to put in my mouth while I think of you 😉

We'll see, I spose.