Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Dear notes before a dance..

I'm amused at my own creativity this morning.
My calendar alerted me that today is the day to start "writing love letters" to you, in preparation to go to the WC dance, so that you would have love letters to read while we were gone. 
I've decided I'm going to write some to you now, similar to this blog.
And do it as if you've been away at a dance yourself, and I've been the one at home keeping things goin.
And I'm gonna write some to myself to.
Not sure how many, but it feels fun.
And that way I can tell you about writing love letters to myself for before a dance, and tease you with my self love, lololol

Oh my.
Just had a fun vision...
Of me loving myself being like me workin on biz and getting healthy and getting house and going out for music fun, and then telling you about it.
I genuinely didn't figure you'd get as jealous about me doing well with that stuff, as you have...
I knew you'd find it attractive.
I thought about all the stories you'd tell about what you feel in love with with each karmic visitor...
And what you didn't like..
And the same about me...

You feel in love w/Feminine's who were independent, passionate, and bold.
And Feminine's who were sweet, adorable, and silly.
You want someone you feel 'like a man' with, though without trapping you into boxes of what masculinity means..
You want someone who accepted that you have many fiery aries placements and are going to have your 'moments' of bratty
You want feminine who is in kitchen not cuz that's where they 'belong', but cuz that's where they love to be.
You like Feminine's who pay attention to you, and Intuit just the right way to ask you what you want...and then they remember what you wanted, so they can remind you when you forget your own heart...
You like Feminine's who are rough and tumble and can hang with the guys, yet who is never 'manlier' then you, and who exudes deeply feminine energy -- the kind of Feminine who others look at and say "what a woman!"

And what you need us a feminine who knows you'll mess up from time to time; and some of those times will be big times, and that she'll have to find ways to love herself and you, until you come back to where you always do - your heart; where you love like no other and carry planets with big oceans across great desserts just to prove to yourself that you can...

And you need a feminine who knows when you need to do things alone, and can give you space without ever giving you the idea that she's not thinking of you always.
One who can be your dance partner in any dance you pick up.
Be your prefect counterbalance in any theater character you pick up and act out..

A feminine who isn't afraid to speak up and put you in your place, in those times when your better nature gets away from you; without holding onto whatever it was that manifested such contrast.

A feminine who doesn't like fighting for fightings sake, and knows how to guide you both to mutually beneficial resolutions, without forgetting that with so much warrior energy in you; sometimes you just need a fight.
That it's not about less love or anything actually being wrong.
A feminine who falls in love with such a human 'flaw', and calls it a "perfect imperfection", as she lovingly flows with your energy until it's not fun or healing anymore - then reels you both back in from the shadows, so neither of you ever dips so far in as to not be able to come back.
Much like a good Domme leading her sub in and out of space.

You need a feminine who doesn't let you get away with minimal reciprocation.
Who reminds you how good you feel when you are in your masculine lover energy.
A feminine who knows how to say "do it like this", while showing you that you doin everythin right already.
A feminine who always puts herself first without ever putting you last, and requires you do the same.

A feminine who is good Mama.
Not just cuz your kids are you heart, but cuz you need that nurturing mama energy so so so much.
Though without the "mom" energy.
So it never gets to be "you're not my mother", or "omg! I've married my mother!" energy, lol

Your feminine must naturally know how to toe that line.
And must enjoy it.
Find it endearing; all your 'lil' sides.
And all the places lil you tangles up w/Big you.
Where the Papa in you lives.
She must honor that side of you too.

She must always honor who you've been and who you are, while always making room for who you will be - cuz you the type of creature who never stops growing.
She needs to also remember how often you forget that about you.
Which will help her stop and give you all the hugs you don't always know you need in moments when you believe you are other then you.

You need a feminine who remembers how often you feel lost, and who can see you're never really lost; you're just wandering - so she can remind you, and be like a trusted flash light in the dark.
The kind of companion who turns any 'trouble' into an adventure - a quest!

You need a feminine who cares about herself.
Her body, mind, and Spirit.
Not just cuz you find her self care very sexy; also cuz you become who you love, and when you love someone who doesn't love themselves - you stop loving yourself so much...
And often blame yourself for their sad states too...

You need a feminine who hears your heart and doesn't mind that you do most everything like a crab does...sideways and
Someone who sees that you sometimes go very fast and other times go very slow.
Other times you completely jump dimensions to decades old or new timelines - to do healing you need to do.

You need a feminine who enjoys allthethings! Lol
Who is allthethings! Lol

And there's nothing wrong with that.
Cuz this Divine Feminine loves knowing there will always be growth and variety with her Divine Masculine, who is so spoiled there will never be lack of challenge to achieve with him, lolol

I know you're not far.
It's just as clear in the stars as it is in your eyes when I see you.

I look forward to sitting at our Sunday table in our farm house, drinking coffee and oj, telling tall tales about "dance of coming together", and all the things we learned and chose to become, that lead us to such beautiful moments.
Where we can let the kids sleep in, before having some kind of "churching" with them.
Likely quads, music, and gardening, lol

Always yours you silly goof,
Madame Goddess Lady Bunny Rose 😜