Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Dear Cabbit... didn't see that coming, eh?

You know what's funny.
When you were spiteful about taking our youngest into your circus when I said no, the thing that kept me from returning that spite, was my trust in spirit that spite brings the worst kind of karma, and that I didn't need to do anything.
Now seeing how tg went, how you were so afraid to enjoy decorating the tree here with your boys because the QoSr would be upset that you refused to have fun and stormed out of the house, shows me you're likely to have a crappy xmas too.
Followed by a crappy new year.
All surrounded only by the replacement rebound family you choose, and no one else.
No friends.
No family.
None of your kids.
No me.
Except for the text I'll know you send, expressing the leaking misery in your heart for lying, hiding, cheating, being a coward, and choosing toxic ppl who have effectively triggered enough of your own shadows that none of the good ppl in our lives can stand to be in your house or around you.
Leaving you only the energy of other toxic ppl refusing to face their ShadowWork, to "fill up your cup".
Which is icky energy to be filled with.
I know you already feel this.
And I know it's causing your mask to crack and giving your inner being more chances to speak to you and show you what your heart really wants.
Which is what's helping me redirect my focus to other things.
Cuz this leg of this cycle is for you.
To feel true loneliness.
Like you did as a kid.
And feel that.
And face down your ego.
An ego which has lied to you and told you this is how life has to be.

I have faith that you're facing this ego now.
Esp after you asked permission to send me some of the notes/texts you've never sent and you admitted you tried to grow up too fast and really have no idea what it means to be "Big".
I know you're doing your ShadowWork now.
I know the karmics around you, and spirit removing all the goodness and good ppl and financial abundance, is helping you get down to the bare bones of "you".

That is exciting.
I look forward to your next communication.
This part of the journey is going to get fun 😊