I've been jokingly thinking of sending you a message like "this must mean that last bit of communication wasn't expected, and that you weren't specific about how you wanted it to look..."
Though I'm enjoying just moving forward not worrying about it.
Funny enough, while I know from the "texts you've never sent" that you decided to send two days after asking me if I wanted to see, and how I modified them in an evolved way to how I annotated our convo from when you were being a jerk about having crappy boundaries with your ex's who then get you into trouble and end up hurting us both - that you're in what my friend and I call a "jello place"...
That you're feeling like what I did was painful, though not necessarily bad or hurtful...
That the old immature version of you who lived in ego and victimhood, is struggling to hold on a lil bit longer, as the new version of you gets stronger and keeps clipping away those old strings of toxicity and stinking thinking and embraces the wonderful absurdity of your love for yourself, for me, for our boys, for the contrast and compliment between us, and for your responsibility, accountability, and power...
1:42pm - 7