Saturday, July 3, 2021

Dear Cabbit... trust fall...

Today I ended the very close and deep friendship I had going since shortly after our missions started.

Feels like another good choice for me.
And also like a choice you're reflecting.

I think you were ready to release your karmic connections before I was this time.
We just both needed a little belly fire, so to speak..

I'm both excited and a lil anxious about the season ahead.
I know you've got work to do in getting fully untangled from where you've been.
And I've got to learn to loosen up and just have some fun and not worry about the outcomes.

Which I know you're learning too.
You just had some deeper healing work.
That's ok.

Just shows how amazing you already were, that you're journey has been deeper than many others...

Either way..
I go forward, only trusting my heart..
That whatever happens next..
Especially after my last challenge to you, to either release me fully or step back into the light and doing right..
Might be quiet for a while..
Might not..

Tho I'm embracing the fun of many joyfully amazing pleasant surprises ahead; from you and all others.

I feel squishy..
I miss you..
I'm sure you know..
By now you ought

You're always in my prayers..
And I'm always believing in you.
I know you'll do the right things when you're ready too..
And that that's always sooner then I expect and better then I imagined ❤️