Friday, July 23, 2021

Dear Cabbit...looking away for a season..

It's interesting to be in this time and space.
Where I can feel us near our farthest apart moments that we've ever had since the first apartment.
Long way to go from never more then one night, then never more then one week; to having gone all this time so physically and emotionally far from each other.

And to also feel and know in every part of my being, that we are closer then ever and coming into harmony very quickly.

Which is something profound to see, feel, and know.
It's also something not many can truly appreciate and understand.
Which in some ways is sad, cuz there's not anyone I want to share the exp with.
So these are the moments when I not only date myself, I am also my own best friend.
My own cheerleader.
My own counselor.
My own judge.

Cuz some things are too special to share..
Including some gnowings.

Plus, sometimes, even when you want to share and you have someone who has seen the same data and seen all the magick, they still don't really believe; mostly cuz of their own shadows, though either way, wanting to share with those who can't believe you yet, just isn't worth it in comparison to actually manifesting the exps you want.

I know this is something you'll understand at some point soon.
You've actually always been the one person to believe me far more often and far more completely then anyone else.
I realized that, after facing many fears about ppl not believing me.

Now I'm in a place where I'm comfortable with ppl believing me or not, thinking I'm weird or crazy or whatnot, and just letting them think that.
Both cuz I can believe myself now, and not require anyone else to tell me they see what I see or agree with my intuition or assessments, and cuz I know who will always believe me.

Which made me laugh when I realized the truth in that, and how it answers so many questions about why you've been behaving as you have, and confirms everything I already predicted; with and without updates to said predictions.
Which hasn't been needed very often, cuz for me, you're very predictable, lol

That was something that surprised GoldenRod. 
That I predicted your behavior from the moment you left, and have been accurate.
Tho that's what makes me giggle about him and others.
They all tell me all the time, how accurate I am at reading ppl, intuiting the future, and lining things up with astrological energy.
And they've all seen me help myself, and help them, and help ppl they know.
Tho none of them believe when it comes to what I tell them about themselves, or about you.

Ironically, it's hardly about "us" stuff most of the time.
It's about all the rest of you.
Tho I realized the other day, that no one will ever know you as deeply as I do, cuz know one else has ever shown you that they wanted to and you've never wanted to be that open with anyone before or after.
And most ppl are bitter about relationships they've had, where they gave up too soon and regretted it, or gave up because they believe in "broken ppl".
So they can't appreciate you as a whole human being, cuz they'll never really know you.
And they couldn't appreciate the reality of data, even if they did know you that deeply, cuz they're too bitter about old wounds of theirs.

You know what's funny tho?
I don't get triggered by that anymore.
There's nothing to "prove".

Which is an interesting energy to sit in these days.
Absence of desperation.
Absence of need for approval.
Absence for any rush away from any situations or into any.

I'm comfortable with where things are right now.
You're right on schedule for where would be right for you; not anyone else,
Learning in just the ways you are.
Coming in and out of your shell as your ready to.
Doing your thang.

When Goldenrod said something the other day about his feeling that you'd stay stuck in the same cycles you have been, likely with different partners cuz of the nature of the toxicity in relationship approach; I wanted to look at him and be like "You have no faith, and you haven't been paying attention. Everything is just how it should be. Perfectly imperfect."

Tho as you and I both agreed a long time ago; there's clearly a certain kind of exp lacking there, that makes it near impossible to understand.

Which is funny, cuz again, I know you'll understand what I mean; at whatever point you get to reading this silly blog, lol

I know you understand the magick.
I know you understand the emotions.
I know you understand the karma (mostly).
And I know you have a much greater understanding of cycles, ppl, and realities of the world, in very similar ways to how I do.
And more.

Ironically, it's knowing that you actually do understand; that you were already enlightened when we moved into the apartment, and that that sort of understanding never goes away.
It stays.
Even when we go through hellish dark knights of the soul.
It stays.
That knowing.

That's what tells me to just trust.
More in Spirits plan and Divine Timing then anything else.
Though also in myself
And in you.

I know you're up to something..

And I know that even if I'm wrong about that, you've manifested all of the perfect ingredients in your life, to cause you to completely turn over the tables in your life, and stand in the energy of freedom very very soon.

I pray you're driving safely out on those roads.
And listening to your Intuition every mile.

Love you...always..
