Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Dear Cabbit...have a little faith in me..

I won't pretend to know everything.
I know a lot.
Mostly cuz I pay attention and listen.
Though I don't know everything.
What I do know, is that this is your turn to find your faith - in Spirit, in yourself, and in me.
I know it's hard to translate & understand the boundary I just set, esp as I didn't set it with my usual extra effort to be empathetic.
Though that's in large part to my acceptance that you're in the other dimension and not going to "understand" anything I do, regardless of how hard I try to be fair, kind, and reassuring.
So I figured I might as well just make it plain, and set the boundary in a Spirit of what is best and fair for me, the boys, and for you - then back way way way off.

To let you see that I am NOT the one trying to control you or the one causing problems in your relationship.

Cuz clearly, even just being your friend and applying minimal boundaries with messes up are making that create the need for them, are only going to further your paranoia and attempts to use me as your Patsy for why your life is falling apart faster and faster.

I know these moments of separation are horrible, and that you likely feel like I've given you the "final cut off".
I haven't.
Though I know it's no use to explain that to you now anyways.
So I'll focus my energy else where, and leave you be to go through your final towers on your own.
Which you need to do in order to prove to yourself that you can do it, and come out better on the other side.

Plus, it's easier in this moment to keep having faith in you and loving you, from a much bigger distance, until you show me you're coming back out of the other dimension.

Which I'm confident is going to come quicker than even I expect.

Just need to have a little faith my love.
That you're never really alone.
That you can do this.
That things will get better once you face your fears.
That I would never actually abandon you.
That I'm just as intentional now as I've always been - and am doing this because I know you're ready, and I'm ready, and cuz I trust Spirit to do the driving.
And that I'm ready when you are.

All you have to do is reach out.
It's that simple.

I know you'll see that soon.

Until then, I love you always.

~ Empress