Thursday, September 3, 2020

Dear readings are getting creepy accurate...

The tower card keeps coming up in my readings today...and towers moments for your situation are coming in other readers's a 12 and 16 day...the Hanged Man and the Tower...

I sent you just the word "caution" a little earlier...

Unfortunately, I already knew when I sent it, that I wouldn't be able to send much more info after that. The image I got in my mind, if you ask what you're supposed to be cautious about, is just prayer hands emojis...which I'm torn I know that telling you too much can enable you and keep you in the situation longer, and b/c you've been so gaslit and not been honest w/anyone, I also know that if I say too much, it could be taken as me setting something up. Rather than just being intuitive enough and weird be into tarot readings and astrology and synchronicity enough to at least have a general idea of whats ahead...esp when it comes to those I care for, who are in toxic especially...

I could just keep it all to myself, and many suggest I do...though I just couldn't live w/myself for not at least trying...even w/all the moments I'm either wrong - which we both know is unfortunately pretty rare, I'd rather take the risk of being seen as crazy and know that I at least tried to warn you - then to be someone who was too afraid to speak up cuz ppl I don't even like and thus don't care about the opinions of, who might think I'm "odd", lol. case you actually do pray to spirit, and ask for feels better to sometimes leave stuff in this even if you can't reach me, you can always find me...or at least my thoughts and intuitions...

W/that being said...there are many readers and my own cards, that are showing huge and numerous tower moments coming to you via the karmic circus in your house...

Remember how you ghosted me and the kids and then refused to own what you had down, cuz you were 'afraid of the drama' you were sure was going to come? Well...lets just say your intuition wasn't was just poorly timed and you pegged the wrong person...cuz that drama, if I'm correct, is coming - and it is now coming even if you did everything she wanted and just put your head down and pretended it was "all good"....for that matter, some of the cards say you are pretending that, and that she is pretending that too...

Though if you ever got talked into an escort biz, or insurance scamming, or anything - even if you didn't get talked into it, but she used your name for stuff...she's going to use that to try to get you locked up in jail for a long time, or to at least damage your reputation to the point where she's sure you'll be miserable forever...whatever 'chaos' you two cooked up over the last 8 months, has lead up to this...which is spirits way of forcing you two've both had plenty of signs and plenty of time to get back on your healing paths...which you prayed for...and then did not listen to...which I don't judge you on, I'm stubborn like that too...though in this case, you've gotten yourself into such a mess that it could have serious legal and physical consequences that could put you in the position of not getting to enjoy your kids, your money, your body, your work, or even your life...ick...just...ick..ick..ick..

Other readers are saying that if you stay with her, it could be as simple as spirit removing all your abundance and hers...esp as both of you are being cruel to your children, which even by your own religion is one of the BIGGEST "sins" there are...and you're both being cruel to ppl like me, your families, any non-toxic friends you have, to each other, and to yourselves...and that the longer you try to placate each other or 'not rock the boat', the faster the ship will sink...until you're both so far underwater there won't be anything to do but jump...

Which I just realized was much of what you did w/me, and that I thinking that if I just held on a little longer...just didn't rock the boat...just loved you more...that I could get us back on the waters safely, and moving forward prosperously and I suppose...again...this is your karma...

You know...sometimes I hear myself wishing you would've listened to me early on, when I warned you numerous times that this would happen...though there's another part of me that knows that at very least, with what you're going through, you'll never so arrogantly disregard what I have to say or what I suggest, once you do get free of that karmic cycle...and...once all the hurts have been'll give us some funny stuff to chuckle know..that year you ran away and joined the circus? lol

Sigh....I just pray and pray and pray, that you see what's happening BEFORE she gets you thrown in jail, beat up, driven insane, or to do something stupid in reactiveness...

I am trusting in Spirit, our inner beings and 5d selves, and all of our benevolent allies right now, to help WAKE YOU UP see the truth and free yourself...

Oh my've really gone and done this time, haven't you?

I love can do this..I know you can...