You know...the funny thing is, I never needed to be psychic to know that these moments were coming...nor an astrology nerd...just a psych nerd...and well...someone who pays attention, not just to what ppl do, but to what they consistently don't do...
Which I already do w/you and the ppl we know, and started doing the minute you revealed who the QoSr was, and who she brought into the circus w/her. Plus I know your other karmics, and how your "friends" are. Plus, the minute YOUR friends and family told me about the QoSr, and I did a little digging, I could tell that she has a typical cycle of about 1 yr for most of her recent relationships of the last 4-5 years. Which is fitting for someone who isn't ready to face her own shadows, and uses men and money to avoid that at all costs.
I made a joke to you the other day, about how her sister not moving out was going to turn into a several months ordeal where you'd continue to be stuck breaking your bank on the entire circus, and not even get to pretend for a minute that the QoSr would be able to maintain the Stepford Wives projection after the sister was feels like...your sending me telepathic thoughts of that day, where you see me putting my fingers on my temples and being theatrical about having a 'psychic vision', about the QoSr dragging things even faster and w/more toxicity once her sister was gone, draining your money and energy, and anything else she can....which I did see. Though that's not just cuz I'm intuitive, it's cuz I know several key things about ppl (perks of being a human behavior nerd, lol) and life:
1. Ppl's worst habits and traits come out when they don't feel they're being watched, even if they felt really comfortable around the 3rd wheel. So I knew, and was actually rooting for her sister to want to move out, cuz I knew that the "bubble" would burst itself once you two really had a chance to be "alone" to see each other.
2. Neither of you got into the situationship for love. I'm sure at some point, you both fell into the illusion of limerance, to help get over the ppl you each abandoned in the most dishonorable ways. Though that's not love, and neither of you got into it even for the limerance. It was all about the money, and the ability to be w/someone who you each felt would "accept" your low vibrational selves, so that at least in private, neither of you would have to pretend to be "good ppl". Which is kind of amusing if you think about it. You both got your wishes in that sense, and whereas you thought that you could just accept each other as "bad ppl" and go cart blanche on low vibrational behavior, you're both actually finding that you're completely repulsed by each other. And not even just about the low vibe stuff. You don't like what she calls "fun", and she don't like what you call "fun". So you are each literally doing what you called each other in for - to have out the toxicity you couldn't have out w/others...and to see...that having a partner who accepts your "flaws" is a good thing, but having a partner who is always comfortable being the worst version of themselves around you, is NOT. It's not attractive, it's not kind, it's not fun, it's not love, and it completely blocks all your abundance and joy. So even if you could accept the worst of each other, you'd also have to accept never being able to get ahead, always being stuck in poverty of the heart and wallet, and constantly being seen as a failure to the same peers you fear looking at you badly if you broke up w/her and came back to me. Ironic, isn't it? Though that's the way most toxic folx are, until they either meet someone who shows them it can be very different, esp when the focus is on LOVE and not materialism - which actually brings material abundance, or they get entangled w/someone toxic enough that they see they need to save themselves. The QoSr provided you w/the second set of contrast, after I provided you w/the first. I know you, and those like you - once you've been w/someone who truly spoiled you emotionally, financially, energetically, ruins all future toxic situationships. Esp when you can't even get the financial abundance going, no matter how many extra jobs you work, or how well you "tighten the belt", it just keeps descending into further and further financial ruin - which for a man of your age in this time period, is a huge ego wound. Cuz unfortunately, many guys were brought up to believe that a man who has no money, has nothing to offer and will be alone forever. Which didn't get helped by our convo about sugar daddy stuff, but I can see why Spirit had us go through that, by my hand. Cuz you were being stingy, selfish, greedy, and toxic about money, and blocking our abundance. Worse still, you refused to be accountable for that. Me deciding to dip my toes in and investigate the realm of SA's, got through to your ego - and showed you, that you were not being honorable about our financial situation, and were making me pay for the way your ex's had been w/you and your money. On top of that, you found every way to get in the way of me building financial abundance, no matter what way I tried to do it that would make us both happy. Now you have someone doing that to you. Sucks, doesn't it? Either way, I could tell by what I found in my investigative activities early on, plus your description, and the confirmation of your friends and family, that she was exactly the right karmic for you - w/all of both of our worst traits amplified, so she could be the Mirror you needed, to see what you've been doing to yourself and those who actually love you.
3. It's part of both of your karma. That's why I moved us into my parents house first, after the blue house. Cuz I could tell you were so comfortable in the notion that I didn't air our dirty laundry all over, and that no one could hear or see us fight, that I hoped being around others would have an effect on you in the sense of getting you to think about how you were behaving when I did get us a house. I have friend who had this happen in a different fashion, and her and her husband recognized they used to be rather mean to each other when it was just their family in their house. I had hoped you'd see that and we could heal our connection more, w/counseling and while saving money and manifesting our Castle. Though you weren't ready for that yet, and still had many karmics to release from your past, many of whom you kept around and kept alive the fights you had w/them, which you took out on me. Memorializing sad days, finding new things your money needed to be spent on, hiding money, lying, picking fights to have a reason to go out w/o needing to tell me you were really going to see your ex wife and her affair partner, and doing all sorts of...well...not very "divine" stuff. Dishonorable stuff. Stuff that earned you the karma of being faced w/a partner who would do the same to you the moment you two were alone. So you could see how things did not get better when it was just you two, cuz it wasn't worse w/the third wheel, it bad then, cuz none of yall were owning your bs. None of you were standing in your authenticity or truth. All of you were blaming each other, the kids, me, your ex's, your bodies, allthethings, and perpetuating cycles you've all been reliving for decades, all just for fear of the unknown, and having to do something challenging on your own. For you, it was face your emotions and stop using relationships to validate your worth, and for the QoSr, it's facing her financial and familial situation on her own and not basing her worth on how well a guy lets her control him. I'm not sure about the sister. Either way, by her moving out - even if she's there all the time, it helped to accelerate all of your healing, by allowing the inevitable storms to come, and the towers to fall between you.
There are many other things I saw, that told me when you two were finally "alone", that would be "the end" - that no matter how good you used to be at just accepting and sitting in the toxicity you grew up with...that she would be the imperfectly perfect person to get you to see that you'd much rather be single, that the grass is greener where two ppl both water it cuz they WANT to and not cuz they "must", and that your life is the way it is and will stay that way, until you make the choice to own your own bs, atone for it, and that being "alone" would actually feel so much better and be so much more abundant for you, that you'll laugh at yourself for ever having been so afraid of it before.
I can tell...not just from my gut, my heart, and my intuition...but through what small clues you give me from time to time, that you are so close. You see it. You feel it. I know you can see, that even if you wanted to grow the situationship w/her, that she's got too many bad habits and is too toxic, to do anything except constantly cause the ship to sink, and that it will result in you two breaking up anyways. That you holding on, is actually just enabling and hurting you both, along w/her kids and our kids.
I can also tell, by the jeeps and other syncs you're sharing w/me, that your kids are using the power of that junebug, to brat you and make it super obvious that you're supposed to do your work so you can come back to me. Which is so amusing. I love your guides, lol.
Love mine too. They've helped me so much during this separation.
You can do this. Keep going.
Anyways my Cabbit...
I love you....forever...always...completely...