After all the cards that have come up in my readings, and readings from other readers I trust...I feel like Spirit is telling you "Ready or not! Here I come!", and bringing in tower after tower, to complete the ending of a situationship you were ready to and supposed to free yourself from months and months ago...
Plus...when the FM was in Virgo, 6 months ago...most of the readers then, said that what would come about a few days from now, is whatever we were most focused on and what our intentions were...and I know...that you were focused on glowing up...showing me you were having healthy boundaries, and embracing your natural bratty nature...adding me to your rental insurance to protect yourself from the karmics...cuddling close w/cabbie and not letting her control him...and sending me goodnight goodnight pics of you in bed by were thinking about leveling up to feel 'good enough' to be w/me...and ready to get back to enjoying all the things you saw you screwed yourself out of, by being afraid I'd ever be like any of the ex's you confirmed you're releasing...and seeing that I am not like them, never was, and never will matter how crazy your overactive anxiety tries to convince you I might be...
And at that time, I was intentionally intending to do the consciously glow up and level up, and become the person I know I really am, and have let myself believe over the years, that I'm not...kind, authentic, worthy, capable...and the women you're completely in love w/, and just scared to be vulnerable w/b/c real love is scarier than the fake stuff you've been clinging to since you could first sneak out of the house as a tween...
All my senses...and all the readings...and all the things you're showing 5d and 3d...are making it look more and more, like what's now you finally freeing yourself completely from your past...most especially from your ex' this pisces moon over the self-improvement sign itself - removing the rose colored glasses, and call an end to the "return of the ex's"...and kick off the start of you...single...standing in your truth...and seeing how incredible it feels...esp now that you've already admitted you can trust me better than anyone else you know...and are starting to show you having trust in yourself...
I'm curious how it will play out...esp as the energy of that moon is already here...and w/monday being the day off...
In thinking about that...I think I can understand why so many readers are predicting a sudden appearance from you...when you'll reveal all and near beg to know if I really do still want you...or if it's all been some kind of cruel game...
Or you'll test me out in a bunch of other ways, after you two finally blow up the situationship beyond repair...
There are many other outcomes that could also'll be interesting to see which one, and if you decide to torture yourself much