Monday, August 17, 2020

Dear all works out....

You's funny...

The absurdity of where we are in the cycle...

And w/synchronicities....

I know that if I'm seeing all the syncs and feeling the way I feel, that you're getting a bunch of syncs too, and it's probably making you laugh between the tears as you get free from the circus...

Either way...

I'm over here enjoying the "It all works out" and "All roads lead home"....and the feathers...and even the hilarity of you being silent right now....cuz after how you were embarassed in front of all our family and friends....and then again in front of the kids when you're the one who had to work your ass off to make everyone happy....I mean....there are no reasons for you to be silent w/me, that aren't pure hilarity. dearest...

I know you'll be free soon....and that as time goes on, we'll be able to laugh about this all...

Until then...I love you...I know you can do it....and you can pretend all you like that you don't love me, envy me, and want to run back home to me - but you've always been a terrible liar, and even moreso after all the longing glances you gave me at the park. Nice try though.

~ Love Always ~
