Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Dear Cabbit...I have released you...the old you, that is...

There is the oracle card that a lot of readers pull up - it says "release your ex"...

A fitting suggestion w/all the energy of this year being "return of the ex's"

I realized months ago, that also included releasing you and you releasing me...though it didn't feel right to just write you off, and release faith in us...until I realized that it wasn't that I need to release "you", but I do need to release the old you...and the old stories...and stop beating the drum that says you're toxic, and immature, and abandoning us, and being a dick...the old you that hasn't chosen or prioritized me...or the boys...not even your daughter...

The you that has made so many toxic choices...and been selfish and narcissistic...and only helpful or loving when it got you some kind of shallow reward...who was thoughtless...and would rather keep the pitiful rewards of being a victim, then to really LIVE and Love...and not paint every wall of every room he enters, w/his emotional baggage...and to be w/ppl he can blame for his bad choices...and who gets mad at those who love him, and call him to correct that...and pushes away all genuine love and goodness...

I'm releasing those stories...I'm releasing the old you...along w/all the baggage the old you carried...

And I'm welcoming in the New You. 

Who is ironically, also the old you - but renewed...reborn...and refreshed...

It's the you that you were before you were ever hurt..even before your parents and step parents hurt you....and before your ex's hurt you...yet w/the lessons they taught you and appreciate for the contrast they brought you, that has shown you how truly good you really are...and what kind of relationship you want w/your kids...and what your legacy will be...and that you are an amazing musician who is going to be really famous...and that you WANT to be my walksbeside...and for me to be yours...cuz we have mature ways...and we love...unconditionally...

I release the old you...along w/the stories that have held that old you in place, in my mind...

And I welcome the new you - in all the ways I know, and all the ways I am excited to get to know...

I also release the old me...and all the old stories I used to tell myself....and that you used to tell me about myself...

And I welcome the new me - in all the ways I know and chose to be, and all the ways I'm staying open and curious about seeing who I will choose to be in each moment...