Today is Lionsgate...8/8/2020
It's a "16" and a "20" day...the Tower and the Judgement...
Or the "Tower" w/in the "Judgement"...
Idk what all will happen today - between us and in the greater world.
I do know, in some way, it's going to be historic and memorable.
It feels like it might not be made clear what it is today...
At least not the "whole shebang"...
I know there's likely going to be something "outed" today...
As the lions are ready to roar..
and ready be free..
I also know...from you not even being able to pay the phone bill...
That there is a lot more wrong than you're admitting...
Especially w/you being bullied into fixing the mess made w/the insurance...
I'm keeping focused on my faith in Spirit, in our Lion ally, in myself, and in you today.
I know neither one of us tends to get it "right" the first or even second or third times...
And if I've been listening correctly, then this is the "3rd time"...
And it's also the 4th quarter of the 360...
Which...if I'm correct...
You'll be free soon...
And probably telling me, "Yeah. Yeah. Shuddup. You're right."
Who knows...
I could be totally wrong...
Guess we'll see...
Until then..
I love you.
I miss you.
I am seeing visions of all the healing that will take place when you come back "home" to your heart...and mind...
Even just the act of allowing your mind to go there, is going to be so healing for you...
Just like it was when we first found each other...
And met all the days thereafter...
Even despite everyone telling you to stay away from me and pour more of your heart into toxic ships...
You heart knew what was good for it...and you followed it...
Just like I know you're doing right now...
In the mean time...
I'm working on my healing...
And facing that which I've been avoiding..
Knowing that when I heal, you heal...
And vice versa...