Friday, August 28, 2020

Dear Cabbit....compromised fb msgr?

 Idk why, but I just feel like throwing this in as more of a thing to check on documenting what I sense...which is that your fb msgr feels like it's been taken over by that rev queen of swords...there's just something strange about how easy and flowing it is when we text vs when I try to send you anything via msgr...

It's also hard not to want to get bratty and test that

Anyways...sending you my prayers for taking back your manhood, getting un-castrated, and freeing yourself from all toxic and karmic cycles that could even allow for the potential of that sort of situation...I know you can do this...and are almost there...

Though until you are 'there''re in my prayers...

Forever, Always, and Completely...

~ Empress...