Our youngest just came out and brought me a ham sandwich.
I told him that I LOVE that he's feeling so generous and being such a big kid, and was looking at the sandwich seeing that he only put one slice of cheese and meat, which I decided I wouldn't mention, but I noticed there appeared not to be any ranch (his fav to add to ham sandwiches) and said "Hey, what's w/the no sauce?"
I love his response. He told me that it was in between the cheese and the ham slice, and was the "secret sauce!", which he isn't old enough to realize just how funny that really is, but it was funny enough on it's own.
I can't wait to be able to share those moments w/you...and am sad that there are so many moments like that, which you're missing out on now...
Come home to us soon my love...there's so much heart warmth to experience...it's time to embrace it...