It's funny...just as I had decided to write to you hear, to stick to my withdrawl of communication w/your 3d self directly, then you get online.
You've been on my mind a fair amount this morning Cabbit.
Especially as I know today is supposed to be the day your karmic leaves to deal w/her court & dr stuff out of state, and your dad nears closer to his final days.
I have several friends who've confirmed for me that they've been dealing w/healing their father wounds, whom I noticed were dealing w/healing their mother wounds during the last Merc Retro about 4 months ago.
Which showed me that we're going through similar things.
You in particular - not cuz I don't need to. More cuz spirit helped me set it up so I'd healed most of mine in the last Mercury Retrograde, so I could see what's happening now.
To be an example in some ways, especially of healthy boundaries to have and hold, even when you're scared...even when it effects other people a lot, who are likely to take their emotions out on you...
I keep getting this intuitive msg...
That I've been getting for the last 3 weeks...
That this is your turn to learn FAITH...
Which now that I can see how you've manifested your worst fears as a father and a man...
To come together right on fathers day...and as your father nears death...
and leading up to the days of your bday...where many mother and father wounds reside...
Which has been set up where you'll likely either spend your bday totally alone...or w/ppl who don't really care about you...which will never be seen as more real than during ones bday...
I also get the feeling that I should keep my faith...
and all the data coming into me from the sources that helped us reconcile before, are showing me now that it's not just you...many many ppl are acting very out of character...and feeling stuck...and powerless...and wanting to avoid conflict, while also knowing it needs to happen.
Being faced w/seemingly immovable forces that kick up victim mindset/pain body...
Being faced w/the question "Who am I?" and "What kind of parent am I going to be?" and what do I do w/the ppl in my life that I have empathy for, whom are hurting me and my connections w/others, who I know need boundaries from me, but who scare me in their toxic reactions to healthy boundaries?"
I'm going through it too.
Though I thank Spirit and myself, that I have intentionally done much of this work already.
So I can see what's going on now, and reaffirm who I have already chosen to be, and flow w/the little things that come up, and continue focusing on moving forward...manifesting our home...
Which I wish I could tell you about...
I got good news - sort of; in that Gpa might help co-sign for a house and property for me and the boys...
As soon as before the end of the summer...
Which is funny, cuz that would actually mean we would beat you to it...
Especially if I can find land w/a hill for the tow truck...
Either way...
I can feel it in my bones...
While you're healing your deeper father wounds...
I'm getting out of my "karmic" situation w/my fam and w/my ego bodymind...
And I feel like so long as I stay focused on gratitude...
And maintain faith in your conscious and righteousness getting the better of you...
If not just naturally...then by the time your dad dies...which will likely be soon...
Or says or does something to you that reflects how you've been treating the boys and me...
At which point, all of this will turn around rapidly...
As FG and other accurate readers have been predicting...
I know this is what is supposed to happen...
I have trust and faith in you, and in spirit to help you...
And to help me and the boys get moved...
That we'll all meet on the path ahead...
Healed to enough of a degree to harmoniously..
My heart says in Union together..
My brain says as friends and co-parents...
Either way, it'll be beautiful and cooperative and aligned w/our inner beings...
And great for the kids...
Dearest Cabbit...
I know it sucks that we're not talking...
And it probably makes you question whether or not you've lost all chances...
Or if my love wasn't real after all...
And then what is real and what isn't in this reality...
Though just as I needed to go through that - now you do too.
I have faith you'll find your way through it and back "home"...
To us...your and you...
And most importantly - to yourself...
Which I know this is greatly about - cuz the situations you're manifesting to yourself, are answer the questions you hated for so long - "Who am I?" and "What do I want?"
And I know, when you decide what you really want - you'll decide you want to be kind...
To be the "bigger person" in healthy ways...
To be compassionate and empathetic...
To be a healthy father...
To be a harmonious co-parent...
To look for the best in others...
To release those who hold you back...
Who aren't acting as teammates...
Who don't reciprocate what you give...
Who complain and create chaos faster than you can generate gratitude and alignment...
And when you go towards all those things...
You'll find yourself naturally coming back to us...
That's why you felt called to me in the first place...
And why I felt called to you...
And despite our 'flaws' and the bad habits/addictions parading around as flaws, that's why we are so good for and w/each other.
Anyways Cabbit...
Our kiddos are wanting my attention.
Which I'm loving giving and increasing the bond with...
While you do your thang...
Forever, Always, and Completely....sigh...Yours