Sunday, May 24, 2020

Dear Cabbit... I wish you knew how lonely I feel...

I wish I could tell you how lonely i feel...
Or how unappealing all the guys are on the dating apps...cuz any of the ones I like...remind me of you...

I wish I could tell you how upset I am..
That we're in this position because you're so afraid to be alone, you're staying in a toxic relationship and living arrangement that is contributing to tearing apart you're whole life...your relationship with our kids...our friendship...

How much I detest that you use your karmic circus as an excuse for your actions and lack of really is gross, you know?

I wish I could tell you... everyday..
I love you...
I miss you...
I believe in you...
I'm scared for you...
I'm confused...
I'm feeling neglected...
I'm angry...
I see you...
Pulling away..
Then coming closer...
As you're less and less able to pretend you're just fine in the circus you're in...

I keep my mind focused on healthy us in a healthy future union, when I find myself getting onto thoughts like those above...

Which works most of the time..
Only becoming tough when I know you're in distress; esp when you take that out on me - even just by distancing...

Suppose I'll figure that out on my own too..
Comforting myself by knowing that in distancing yourself from me, you're learning things by yourself too...

I hope you wake back up soon...

~Lonely Bunnie...