Thursday, May 7, 2020

Dear Cabbit...tonight is the super full moon in's the 7th...and I know many towers are happening for you...

My dearest...
These past few weeks have been weird...
Though I know they are leading to something deeper..
Something profound...
And with the way you've been acting these past few days...
Especially today...
As the 7th day...
And the Super Full Moon in Scorpio...
The "Flower" Moon...
That there are many tower moments...
Pheonix moments...
And death card moments...
All coming together in a combination of your fears manifested and Divine Intervention.

I know that soon...
You'll be free...
You'll start learning to be who you are when not under anyones thumb...
Just doing what you want...
What you love...
What puts a smile on your face just because...

That'll be a beautiful day...
Can't wait <3

(STILL) Forever, Always, and Completely Yours,
Empress Bunnie ;P