Saturday, May 23, 2020

Dear only took you 15 yrs to learn...

I'm staring at our short conversation from today...
It was a very simple "mornin" from me, and then a shared link of the Brown Noise, which I know always makes you laugh - which I hoped, after the long quiet night where I sensed much chaos was happening...that it would put a smile on your face for at least a few seconds...
You came on about 30 mins later, said "Afternoon" and then told me very simply that you were very busy and that you would text me later.

Which, made me laugh.
For two reasons.

1st - Cuz that's something you never did before.
You were always afraid to tell me (now you come on and start typing back) that you were too busy to chat, or that you wanted space, or that you were enjoying your work - busy or not.
Now you've figured it out.
I'm not even sure that you consciously did it.
Though you did it either way.
And since you came on to adorably tell me you're sorry, "it's just that busy. Wow, right?"
I took the opportunity to tease you about it only taking you 15 years to learn how to tell me you're busy and trust I'll leave you be.
With an added "It feels good to be trusted too."
Both cuz it feels more empowering to me to see it that way - that you're trusting me, rather than that you're pushing me away and deprioritizing me; as I would've in the past...
And because I know the more times I can point out that you are trusting me, the more ways you'll actually trust me...subconsciously at first...then more consciously...until you giggle at yourself for seeing all the ways you do trust me, have always trusted me, and have been beeing silly about not trusting me with lately...

Then you'll tell me that too.
We'll both laugh and giggle together.

Anyways my Dear Cabbit, I've gotten distracted by many things...
So until next when I write...

Forever, Always, and Completely Yours,