Sunday, July 19, 2020

Dear Cabbit...something has changed in the air...

My psychic senses can only take me so far...
So I'm not 100% sure if what I'm sensing is what's happening or not...
Though I'm definitely feeling some big things happening...
And weirdly...
It feels like the readings being shown to me...
Have been changing in a very interesting way...
The stories the readers connect w/and tell...
Seem to be matching the story of us...
From when we first met...
Where the karmic was your ex wife...
Rather than anyone in the circus...

Then the readings switch around...

Explaining much more of what aligns w/what little you've told me about what's actually going on w/your "roommates"...
Which actually makes sense to a degree...
Cuz I know that part of your karmic lessons has been to heal from your ex wife...
Which aligned you not only w/her coming back in directly, but w/roommates who were a lot like her too. Triggering all sorts of fears that have been stuck in your energetic craw for far too long.

I also know that your energy is different...
And there's something so telling about you becoming aware enough to tell me you know you needed this time to really release your ex's...
Then the confessions before and after then...
The strange hot and cold communication and visitation patterns...
Now it's your night off and your focusing on getting all your weekend chores done early...
W/no sign you're going to tell me why that is...
Not that you need to...just seems peculiar...
And you know how I am about watching what isn't said as much as what is...

I also know you mentioned telling your roommates you'll push all the right buttons to get them to move out, since they've been trapping you in the middle of their sibling rivalry and leaving you w/the bill in the end...
While at the same time...trying to deal w/your feelings about your dad...
And preparing for your "primary" "roommate" to come back from her trip...
And getting yourself caught up on all the bills you're behind on...
And procrastinating completing the talk w/me that will make it so you can have unsupervised visits again...

I'd imagine you're also dealing w/your secondary roommate not paying rent yet again...
And fixing whatever "plumbing" problems have arisen...
And protecting the dog from being released into the streets by her...
And cleaning up messes left by your MIA roommate and the one still there...
Who has supposed to have moved out by now...according to what you said you thought was going to happen soon...

I also keep getting these strange mixes of feelings...
Many of which I can tell are coming from you...
Some reactiveness...
Like you're just upset at everyone...
The whole to even...just cuz...
And that you're also feeling like you're so close to being free of the roommates...
And that excites you....yet it also makes you feel sad...remorseful...regretful...
Like you're seeing just how much of a mess you did make in jumping in w/them...
Like you're mad at yourself for believing them...
For believing the best in them...
And then for believing the worst in me...
Like you've been seeing that for all my least I genuinely love you...
Unlike everyone else in your life...who thinks of you very little...
Who deprioritizes you...and manipulates you...
And whom have kept you from your kids...
And from enjoying an easy friendship w/me...
And w/most of your other friends for that matter...

It also feels like you're going between telling me you need and want space tonight, and for me to leave you be...
Yet then you decide not to say that...telling yourself you'll handle your chores...then reach out to me when you can sit and have a drink...and connect for a moment...
Like you're sending me your feelings on purpose...trying to get me to telepathically understand that you're not just doing your're also arguing w/your secondary roommate in person...arguing w/your primary roommate over the phone...and arguing w/your karmic friend who is demanding you go out to see him almost two hours away, so he can talk shit about you for a few hours before kicking you to the curb...
And you're thinking about what you said you would...
And feeling guilty about neglecting me...about always being too busy...too emotional...
And too wrapped up in needless drama w/ppl who only bring you bad karma...
Then I feel what feels like you thinking about sending me music...
Then telling me vulnerable things...
Then wanting to vent to me...
That last one seems to come in a lot...
You'd really like to vent to me...
To tell me everything...

It doesn't feel like you're w/holding cuz you're afraid I'll tell anyone.
It feels more like you're w/holding b/c of how much shit you talked about me to other ppl, when we were together - esp your ex's.
And you somehow feel like if you vent to me too much, it'll do three things:
1. It'll affirm that mostly all you did when we were together, was vent to others and let them feel like there were no "Good Parts" to our relationship...
2. It'll look like you haven't learned anything, and that if you ask me for union, I'll be wrapped up in how negative you have been about your partner this whole time - and worry that you'll continue to do that to me when we're together again.
3. It'll give me some kind of "power" over you.

And who knows if I ever will.
Even after we are able to talk freely again, lol

I also feel this energy of wanting to get really drunk...yet fighting it...
Which for obvious reasons, isn't a feeling I often deal with.

Then feelings like I want to be completely left along by everyone...even you...
Yet I don't want to be alone...and more than anyone I want to talk to you...
Then feeling like I want to talk to anyone else, to keep from talking to you...
Yet also knowing I don't want to talk to anyone else either...
And like I want to make all sorts of plans for the week...
To keep from reaching out to you much...
Then also wanting to keep my plans case you come for more surprise visits...

The readings have been pretty consistent in saying that you're either done done w/the roommates..
Or that you're very close to be, and spirit is going to start popping off more towers to get you fully free and clear of all karmics...
There was even one from one of my favorite and most sassy readers, who titled the reading, "It's about to go done" for Cancer...

And I know hundreds of readers cannot be wrong...
Not to mention I have cultivated feeds from the readers who seem to be most accurate and aligned w/the story of us...
So I know at least most of them are going to be on target...

I'm also feeling highly distractable...
More than mildly irritated by almost everyone and everything...
Yet like I need and want to give the impression that things are all good...
Of I finished writing came online...12:08am - 11 - both karma and twin flames...of

Idk my dearest Cabbit...
I know things are shifting...
Timelines are merging...
I've been explaining to some of the soul tribe...
About this strange "180 energy" going on...
Which is now starting to evolve into "270 energy"...
Where things have been going back the way they started...
Like backwards-forwards...if that makes any sense at all...

I'm sure it probably doesn't.
It still barely makes any sense to me...

Anyways dearest...
I can tell things are all over the place now...

I miss you.
I love you.
I know you can make it through whatever hard things you're going through...
And can't wait to chat again when you're on the other side of it...

Until then...
Still forever, always, and completely yours....