Friday, July 3, 2020
Dear Cabbit...Embracing the Absurd...feeling ready to be ready...
It feels absurd...
Especially w/so little tangible evidence...
But I feel like you're coming back soon...
Very quickly in fact...
And not superficially...
In the right way...
Making things up to our kids first...
Then making sure you show me what I mean to you...
And always have...
Wich as I said...I looked up and noticed the most adorable tiny little bunnie...chewing on a cherry tree leaf in the driveway in front of me...rabbits are one of your primary totems...Cabbit...
Whenever I see them...I always think of you...
Or find I'm already thinking of you...
Regardless of whether it's absurd or not...
Or if there's more hurt along the way or not...
I feel confident, calm, and just feeling settled about waiting for you.
In having faith in you.
And in us.
And in Spirit helping us.
The past few days I already took the time to get off the dating apps again.
To empty my FL profile of any personals groups.
I also ended a few convos w/a couple of guys that weren't going to get anywhere w/me anyways, but that which I admit, I was chatting platonically w/when I felt lonely, didn't want to push you away, and was still waffling about whether or not I was supposed to exp a relationship while you're learning in your karmic circus...
It's funny, cuz anyone I've talked to that wasn't a dating scammer...
They all just reminded me of what I appreciate about you...
And affirmed what I've always told you - you're incomparible...
Something I feel you've truly been learning while you've been away...
Just how incomparible I am to anyone else you've ever known or could know...
And how much that shows you we're meant to be...
Somehow it feels like all the forward healing is manifesting in me in the now...
Like I'm feeling all the feelings now, that most w/hold from themselves until they have the physical things they want...
Which feels powerful in absurd ways...
I feel like I'm "ready to be ready"...
Or nearly there anyways...
Which is a thing AH says...
That to manifest what you want, you must be "ready to be ready"...
Which I've discovered is when you're in a state of feeling the feelings you want to feel when you have what you want, and then realizing you're experiencing all the great vibes and feelings of having what you want, before it's physically manifested - just like we do when we're pregnant and already having the "baby experience" when it's still in our belly and not 'technically' there yet...
That's where I feel like I am...
Like something just clicked...
I think w/the Mars in Aries shift...
Where now I feel like I'm "pregnant" w/the knowing you're already "here"...
Allowing myself to feel the thoughts and feelings you're sending me...
Believing they're real...
That you're thinking about how to cherish me...
About how to make things up to all of us...
About what it'll be like to live in "our house" on "our land"...
About how to confess everything...
Especially you're love for me...
It's an absurd way...
Cuz I know in many ways, you're not at all where I "feel" you are...
Yet I know you are there also...that it's all shifting in non-linear ways...
I can't say I have absolutely zero evidence of this happening...
There is a fair amount...especially w/synchronicities...
And the 180 and 360 energy...
And some of the things you've told me and shown me...
Though only you and my bff could understand how I could take those crumbs...
And know they're just the right ones to run w/and allow myself to enjoy feeling...
Anyways dear Cabbit...
While you're trying so hard not to feel your feelings for me...
And actually compelling yourself back towards me...
Manifesting me...calling me in...
And healing from the ending of your karmic entanglements...
(whether or not that's already done or just starting)
I'm going to be over here, enjoying the feelings of joy, laughter, fun, and love...
That are coming to me w/all the visions and confirmations of the coming chapters in the story of us..
Where we're union...
Bantering and appreciating each other...
Building each other up...
Especially all the times I know you'll tell me...
How much I've inspired you...
Kept you going...
And especially...
How much I amazed you...
By remaining faithful...
By working on myself in the meantime...
By teaching you what unconditional love really means...
And how grateful and happy you are for the chance to love me the right ways...
The ways you wanted to before, but were too scared to from your past traumas...
And all the future memories already manifesting...
W/us having fun connecting w/and healing our kids hearts...
And the hearts of others we connect with...
Who get to hear the story of us..
And tell us it fills them w/hope...
And warm hearts...
I can already feel all the healing happening...
And the flirtation...seduction...and fun kinky stuff...
All the conscious growth...and revealing of truths...
The feeling of "home"...
Anyways my love...
I know there is still more work to be done...
Or at least...I know you feel like there is...
Especially as you heal from the feeling that it's too late...
Or that you'll bore me or lose me...
Or that the other shoe will drop once you've really put your heart into this...
And anything else you're working through on your way back to you...
And back to us...
So while you do that...
Just know...
Absurd or not...
I'm still...
Always, forever, and COMPLETELY....Yours...
~ Empress Bunnie ~