Friday, July 24, 2020
Dear Cabbit...the coming Towers of the Lionsgate Portal...time to free yourself...
Oh honey...
This energy is so funny...
As you can see from previous posts, I'm feeling it too...
Old issues resurfacing...
New issues appearing...
There's a lot going on..
And there's some big stuff to come...
Especially as the 8/8/2020 Lionsgate Portal approaches...
I can feel the wheel turning, and have been shown many many visions, that spirit is offering you some extra big energy during the next 4 weeks, to get yourself free of the "roommates" in one of many ways....
Should you feel you've learned your lessons...
And overcome your fear of being alone enough to take the first few steps into your next lesson...
Learning to trust and enjoy your own company..
It feels like an imperfectly perfect storm is brewing...
W/the QoS coming back into town this week...
Which will be a week before Lionsgate...
After you've spent over a month mostly alone...
Mostly being your own man...
At least...
When your roommates didn't have you wrapped up in their drama to keep you from healing things w/in yourself and w/your family - us...
I also hope that the things you've awoken to over the last month alone...
Have helped you connect the dots, and see that you'd be way better off on your own...
And see the adventure in that...the blessings...the wonder...
And so many experiences you've never exp'd, cuz you've never really lived on your own...
Especially not on purpose...
I am sending you my best prayers.
Filled w/faith in you to listen to spirit, follow your intuition, and to free yourself - while you still have time to enjoy the summer.
Which could be filled w/so many new emotional aroma's you've never even thought about experiencing...
And many new things to accomplish and achieve...
That will put so many smiles on your face.
I can't wait for that time...
And I know, even if you don't get free w/this lionsgate energy, that you will either free yourself by the fall, or that the karmic roommates will be freeing themselves from you by that time.
Though the predictions are that they'll be cleaning you out if you wait for them to do it, rather than standing up for yourself and ending it before then...
Either way...
The story is about to get some plot twists...
Be careful my love...
Follow your intuition...
And for goodness sakes, learn to ask for and accept help and ease occassionally...
It won't make you