Thursday, March 19, 2020

Dear Cabbit... I've only ever wanted to be with you...

I know...
With all I've said over the years, in attempt to be this super did confident version of myself I thought you wanted, I've said enough to make you question if we're compatible in the sense of only wanting to be with each other.

Though it is true.
I only want to be with you.
Diving into polyam and other things, was only ever about my insecurity - about feeling like you weren't ever going to be satisfied with choosing only me.

Which I know you could be, just as I could be with you.
We've just both been stuck in fear space - reflecting that at each other. Not knowing what that meant. Feeling alone, and like we never had "good timing".

Had I known what I know now, I never would've been so silly.
I'm sure you wouldn't have been either.
Though I know you either already know what I know, or you're in the process of learning - of being shown by Spirit.

We're soulmates, on a Twin Flame journey.

This separation is about us learning how to transcend our old fears and insecurities - so we can feel worthy of each other. Which we've BOTH felt insecure about.

We'll get there.
We are getting there.

Just know, no matter where we find ourselves in the coming days...weeks...months...years...
No matter what karmics we get wrapped up with in the middle...
You're the only one that I want.
I know I'm the one you really want too.
Cuz we reflect each other.

Most of the time anyways 😜

I also know, in coming days, you'll learn to widen your perspectives... recognize I've never been out to get you...or did anything with the intention just to hurt you... I'm learning much of the same too.

We've both been through the ringer.
In more ways than one.
It makes sense..
This journey we're on..

Just know it'll work out.
I do.
You'll see it soon.

Until then...please keep protecting and connecting with your soft hat wearing friend...he comes to me now and again...reminds me to stay faithful too..

Always, Forever, and Completely Yours..