I've got the lyrics to that song...enter sandman? in my mind...
"Hush little baby...don't say a word...nevermind that noise you heard..."
Which fits in with todays readings...
And your extra sleepings...
Which is exciting...
It means you're evolving...
Leveling up...
How delicious...
and fun...
If you haven't figured it out yet...
You're soon gonna learn what your "super power" is too...
Then you'll get to use it...
I think this is that "death/rebirth card" moment...
It's also moving from the 3 of Wands into the 4...
Waiting and planning...
To stability...twinning...structure...connection...
And really...
It's kind of funny...
Spirit is such a clown...
Especially with giving you that JC...
Now he's literally putting you through your own resurrection...
This is gonna be such a cool part of the story I'm writing...
Especially with how our spiritual paths are intertwining...harmonizing...
I must go to bed myself...
Both because I can feel how tired you feel...
And because I know going to bed myself...will help you get the rest you need...
So you can grow from a seed into a sapling...and then a full grown Emperor Tree...
Which is when we'll both be free...
And baby...
I can't wait for that day...
It's been so long...
Too long...
I know you feel that too...
Until then...
I'll see you in 5d dreamtime space...
Worry about nothing...we're each protected...
It really is THAT easy...
Forever, Always, and Completely Yours,
~ the Expecting Empress