Sunday, March 22, 2020

Dear Cabbit...You are forgiven...I am forgiven...the exes are forgiven...

Felt called to add one more dearest Cabbit...
Moreso because the act of writing it, both makes it true...then releases it to the manifest in fun, kind, healing, authentic, playful, and mutually beneficial ways...

Which we both need right now...
For this fertility between grow...

And for that to happen...
I want you to know...
That you are forgiven.
For everything.
From your youth - including things you didn't actually do wrong but thought you did.
All the way up to now.

I've been and am being forgiven too.
It's already happened from myself and the universe too.
And I can feel it's happening from you too.

I've also been working on, and am almost complete - with writing out in my notes...all the forgiveness of all of our exes...

I already started and have finished most of the work of forgiving my parents...
Healing my mother/father wounds..
Which freed me up to work with you in the heal yours too...
and I can see it worked...from what you showed me of your notes...
so beautiful...

Especially as I know that means you're forigiving YOU.
Something that's been needed for so long.
It's literally a mutual dream come true.
And as I've been doing the same for myself...
It's part of what's bringing us back to our two of cups..

It's been very profound...
Very revealing...
Very so many ways...

Every day we both wake up more and more...
Come into alignment with our inner beings..
Our truehearts...and heartwords...

Anyways my Cabbit...
Always, Forever, and Completely Yours...