There are plenty of times my intuition and cards are wrong...
Though considering how you've been acting...and a few things that you said..
I feel like what they told me today..
Could very likely be true...
And if it's true..
I know you really did share noodles with your 'king of wands'...
In a cute park..
Somewhere nearby...
Oh my goddess...
I sure hope that's true...
Even if you never do it again, that's such an adventurous thing for you to do, that I know you've been secretly thinking about for a while...
I'm sure he has too.
You two have always been adorbs..
And if it's not true.
Then at least it'll be something very amusing to laugh about later...
That I wondered in this minute...
If it was true...
I hope you tell me about it.
That's so very kinky of you, lol
Always, Forever, and Completely Yours,
~ Aroused Empress 🤣