Saturday, March 21, 2020

Dear really did skip the Chicken and take the Noodle didn't you?

Dearest Kinky Cabbit...
There are plenty of times my intuition and cards are wrong...
Though considering how you've been acting...and a few things that you said..
I feel like what they told me today..
Could very likely be true...
And if it's true..
I know you really did share noodles with your 'king of wands'...
In a cute park..
Somewhere nearby...

Oh my goddess...
I sure hope that's true...
Even if you never do it again, that's such an adventurous thing for you to do, that I know you've been secretly thinking about for a while...
I'm sure he has too.
You two have always been adorbs..

And if it's not true.
Then at least it'll be something very amusing to laugh about later...
That I wondered in this minute...
If it was true...

I hope you tell me about it.
That's so very kinky of you, lol

Always, Forever, and Completely Yours,
~ Aroused Empress 🤣