There are parts of me that hate myself - for what feels like "ugliness" within me - my "darksides" - all the times throughout the years, when I've been so upset with the ways you've treated me, the things you've done for others and weren't doing for me - that I wanted you to do, the times I've not felt "chosen" by you when I knew I was worthy of it, and times I did to you what you did to me - so you could finally "see" and "feel" what it's felt like to be me when you treat me those ways..
And I finally recognized today...
You feel the same way...
How you've wanted for so long...for me to understand how you feel...
Just like I've yearned for the day you'd understand me...
We've both prayed for understanding of each other...and by each other...
Which is exactly why things are happening the way they are...
We're both manifesting the lessons we had every opportunity to learn when we were together...
When we really didn't know better... the good mood I'm in, is just fine.
The Story of Us the way it's playing out, is so interesting!
The ways we've messed up in the past - especially the aspect of learning to forgive ourselves...
To heal ourselves and have faith we're each going through the same stuff... Spirit's proved we do often's slightly freaky...
Anyways, my dearest Cabbit...
I've been so in and out of divine inspiration for writing tSoU and working on different articles..
I think I'm gonna start one about 7 alternative uses of toothbrushes...
I keep seeing them today...
Which tells me you are too..
and that means you're thinking about me...
In a very special
Or will be soon...
Either way.
I'm going to continue enjoying this unwinding path..
Oh look! You sent a synchronistic ;)
Yours Forever, Always and Completely,
~ Empress in Emperor Energy ;P