There are many things going on in the world right now.
Many people are all experiences very similar things.
All of us each fluxuating...
Getting in alignment with our Divine Partners..
Ebbing and flowing..
Between the light and the shadow..
Alignment and disalignment..
Faith and fear...
Teaching us how we create each one..
How we are the authors and narrators of our own lives...
How to go in and out of each energy..."shadow walking"...
To see what the universe sees..
That there are no bad experiences...
Only CHOSEN experiences...
Which can be a blessing...
And also feel cruel...
Cuz once you see it...
Once you feel it..
Then you know...
You've been authoring your own shit show...
Which...on it's enough to throw anyone into "dark night of the soul"..
Though when you add to that...the realization of every mess you've made...bridge that's been burned..
You look back...and see the things you could've manifested...
Had you not been so afraid to invest in them...
And that brings a whole new sort of misery...
Which I know is strangely only enhanced by my consistent kindness...
Unconditional love...reassurance...warmth...
And what you hope is still my faith in us...
I am already in love with the day you come across this blog...
It feels like it's not very far away...
The other readers'll likely happen during the Big Q...
While you're trying to figure things out...
Figure out what I'm doing..
If I'm really being true to what I've said...
In between retreating back into your shell..
Embracing going through your own hell..
Finally doing the work you've avoid for so long...
Learning to find your voice...your heartsong...again...
I also feel like you've already released yourself from the Queen of Swords...
Though I get waffles in the vibrations of whether or not you're still stuck in a physical entanglement with them...
I sense that there's something they're trying to hold over your head...
Or something you're fearing that they will..if you tell them you're ready to be single..
And free of the toxicity that comes with them...
And while I know you've not yet remembered this blog..
Though I also know when I write to you, you feel it...
You show me again and again...
Without even knowing it most of the time...
Though it's even more fascinating when you do show you see it...
This unfolding story of us is just so interesting and
My love...
Because I know you feel it when I write to you...
I want you to know that the only reason I'm not "pursuing" you as much as I was before, isn't because I have anyone else capturing my attention...It's because I am genuinely working on my ability to feel secure and satisfied with only myself for company...while I know you're doing the same...working through everything going on around you...while I work on all that's going on around me...both of us working to free ourselves from trying to numb out...or escape the messes we've made..avoiding the changes we know will lead us back to each other...and the chapter of the story of us we're both so excited for - true union...
I also want to show the kind of faith I've never shown you before - the kind of faith where I know you're're allowing your true self to be revealed to be healed for real...without feeling like I'm constantly pulling at your energy...even when I'm not talking or interacting with you...cuz truly...that's been my biggest addiction all these beats smoking...toking...eating...and all other things...not the "thinking about you" part...the thinking about how I can help you...or impress you...or get a response from you...wondering what you're thinking...or doing...if you busy...or feeling the way I feel like you feel...if there's anything I can be doing to help you heal...if sending a message is bugging you...or if me being quiet is bugging you more...the thoughts can go on and on...and I know that if I can feel when you're thinking about me...that you must be able to feel when I'm thinking about you...
I also know...that part of our journey, is learning that our "push/pull" dynamics, have a healthy element to them - they keep us connected at any distance in time, space, and geography.
Though when we're unhealed, that push/pull plays out in our 3d relationship too.
Which could be very volatile as the world transforms into the 5d..
And so I need you to know..
While I'm not reaching out so much...
And not online so much in general..
While I'm finding other things to work on..and think about..
Allowing my energy to ebb and flow from thoughts of you...
Even allowing myself to ignore many of the telepathic messages you send me...
That I'm not in any "3rd party situations".
I cut the final one loose.
Too many red flags in such a short amount of time.
Plus, I've been getting messages from spirit for some time already, that it's time to start preparing...
Cuz it's all coming...
The incoming currency in great abundance..
The easy flowing method of earning that income...
The propery, house, and garage we've both been manifesting..
And our union...
A true union this time...
Not that pseudo one we had last time..
Where we were both in it and not really...
This one is the full meal deal...
It's caught in between being here and being held us both...
Though it's divinely timed...
And we're both calling each other in...
So either way...
Whenever it happens...
It'll be a "win/win"..
There's enough tension in the air...
Which pulls at my happy vibes..especially when I'm tired...
I know half of this is gibberish..
But at least it's poetic, eh? lol dearest divine masculine...
I'm here...
I never left...
I'm not ever gonna leave you behind...
Or get ahead of you again...
Cuz we're both in sync now...
And forever..
And always...
Which means we're both ready for sleeping...
I hope you enjoyed the tea I gave to you...
Your energy seems better already...
Get some sleep...
And yes please...
Do keep visiting me...
Asking lion to bring you to me...
It's comforting...
Until next we interact...on either plane...
Forever, Always, and Completely yours...
~Empress in Emperor energy...