My Dearest Cabbit..
It feels so different to be in a space of 'no expectations'.
Other than knowing everything works out.
That our love will ALWAYS be there.
Our connection has been strong before we even met in person.
And it's still strong in the future - as I know we're amusingly learning - even while apart, lol.
Though even that expectation is loser and much more open to however it may present itself.
Like...Although my heart yearns for us to one day not just reconnect... fully connect in all the ways we held ourselves back from doing before...
Though my heart could be satisfied with a deeply appreciated friendship... thats never bothered or threaten by any other connections.
There are a few other potential presentations.
Versions of past cycles that might resurface for some further learning.
Which is fine by me.
I know you're getting to be good with the flow of things too.
Not just with me or "us" stuff...
But with so many things in your life that you used to fuss and fret about all day...
Essentially getting in your own way while life passed you by....
I'm excited to watch your transformation continue.
Watch you really learning to listen to your inner truths...
To listen to the universe...
Your guides...
..and allies..
..our ancestors too...
You learning to become "you"...
Without all the pressures...
The baggage you've carried for far too long...
Watching you finally process and release...
It's beautiful babe...
It really is...
And I know...
Going through this...
Is helping you learn what I've been saying about "strength"...
And how it's not armor...or repression...or being all "tough"...
It's vulnerability...
It's letting go of control...
Letting tears flow when they come...
Risking saying "enough" when you need too..
Standing firmly in your truth...
More often than not...
I'd share this with you now...
In our conversation..
Though I want you to have the space you need...
I know you're still getting used to having recently freed yourself from the gaslit belief that you need to be told what to do...or that you "prefer" having your partner control everything you do or think...
One that you've carried for much longer than being with your current karmic...
One that once fully healed...'s...gonna be beautiful... already is...technically..
There's plenty of things that are still undecided...
Though I'm so proud of you..
Cuz it's clear you've chosen to no longer fight yourself...your past...your pain...
It's clear you've realized there's nothing to lose in healing...
And everything to gain...
And...between last nights 5d vision work...
...several confirmations from today...
...from you...cabbie..the cards...
...various synchronisities...
And if I'm right (which happens so often I find it fun to be wrong sometimes! lol)...
Then today you've been intentionally trying to send me telepathic and intuitive messages...
Not just that...enjoying the very idea of it...
If only you weren't wrapped up in the circus still...
I could've amazed you and freaked you out so many times...
Showing you how connected we really are to each other...
How often our hearts beat together...
Though that day is coming...
Until thenn...I assume..
Your fun learning telepathy...was likely inspired when I told you about the gifts your gpa and my gma from 411 years ago in our first life, granted us the gifts of Empathy and Clairvoyance - and told us not to worry about "words" so much, cuz the combo essentially gave us telepathy...
I can still see the look in your eyes the first time we took the boys to lunch...
When I gave you just the basic plot of the story of us...
You're radiant blue eyes lit up...
It looked like lightening literally ran through them...
Which I haven't seen in them...
For a very long time...
It was divine...
In fact...I'm sure it was literally divine timing...
Idk if you had some dream before then...
Or if telling you about was one of the "keys"...
...maybe I'll make it one in the
Either way...
It was clear...
Something just "clicked"...
It was that night...
You reminded me of your gpa playing my guitar in our old apartment...
And started showing me how many synchronicities you've been seeing...
Like something about showing you...
Opened the door to the other dimesion...
Just enough to let some light in...
Then with a few more nudges to me from spirit...
To nudge you...
Several times when I didn't yet know why I needed too...
Until you react...
Then I know why it was needed to do...
Which is scary...
I know you'll understand someday soon...
It's also very cool...
Though very much tests my faith...
In myself...
In spirit..
In you...
...whether my timing is in 'the now'...
that means you've spent several parts of today....
Amusing yourself with the idea of if it's actually true...
And if so...
How do you do it?
And if it isn't true..
How do you know?
How do you figure out if you're just crazy...
Or more importantly...
Are you doing it right? lol
I just love imagining the lightening in your eyes...
As you truly remember how to "play"...
with yourself...
with me...
with the universe...
The day you remember I started this blog...
That's going to be a fun day...
Or when the timing is right to send you another post...
It's come close a few times..
Though both before and after your ego accusation of me "pursuing" you..
(Still laughing my ass off at that)
It became clear if you're not looking...
...and the vibe doesn't feel right...
...then the time is not now...
And tha'ts alright ;)
I'm excited for the day we can share and laugh at this blog.Might even include it as a bonus with the book I'm writing about tSoU.
It'll be fun, lol
The rest isn't even waiting.
It's enjoying the unfolding of the winding path in front of us...
A new feeling for me, for sure.
I know I've often come across as 'care free' and 'happy go lucky'...
And I have learned over the years, to cultivate a less distressed mental condition about many things everyone else mindlessly worries about - but really...I've been far..far...far...away from being "care free" or "happy go lucky"....
That was more of a projection of who I want to be...
Except when you and me met back in the day...
And almost every time we'd connect physically when we were both really into it...
Oh yes...and when we were doing the "eastern drumming" scene in the old western town by the bear stream...
I love remembering such things...
All through the SoU... love...
I need to get working on that story...
Maybe some articles too...
Until then...
Daydreaming of the future coming...
Sooner and sooner every day...
Especially now that aries season is here...
And you're now working on your healing...
Love it.
All of it.
Always, Forever, and Completely Yours,
~ Empress