Monday, March 9, 2020

Dear Cabbit, I can feel you thinking about me...

I can also feel you working on you today, among your semi-new routine trying to keep things going around the house. I have a hard time not thinking about you too, especially on Monday's, which I know you can feel also. It's hard to go from being used to knowing Sunday's and Monday's were the main days we could talk and hang out, since you didn't have to work - to going to having to leave you alone so you can spend that time with the Queen of Swords...

I'm doing my best to focus on other things, and just work on my Empress vibes, so as to neither invade your energy, nor have so much of mine taken up worrying and wondering and daydreaming about you. Just know, if I pull away, it's only to focus on myself and get my pentacles in. I'm hardly ever so far away, when you want to reconnect. I always like it. It's always nice to hear from my best friend.