I was just listening to something...and thinking..
Ironically, just as I was finishing up what I thought was going to be my only morning post to you...
Then I heard something that both made me laugh, but also caused me to ponder and think...and things like...
"If the world really did go to shit, who would I want on my team?"
"Who do I know that would definitely have my back?"
"Who do I know that would do the right thing, even when it's not easy? Who would help keep me doing the right things too? Help me stand in my truth when that's the hardest thing to do?"
"Who do I know wouldn't leave me behind, even when I'm not being easy to be with? That I wouldn't leave behind either?"
"Who would be resourceful and helpful not just in the emergencies, but the whole time? Who can I plan things out with?"
"Who would be 'dead weight', or would be so wrapped up in their impulses that they'd likely bring the kind of trouble down on us that resources, necessities, and even lives will likely be lost?"
Now...I know there have been many things that you've confirmed for yourself...over the past few years...even in the past 11 weeks...that show I'm definitely already on your zombie apoc team.
And for me, having you as the first person on mine, has NEVER been a question.
So then the real question becomes...who else is on our team (aside from ALL of our kids of course)?
Who would be helpful?
Who would create unneeded obstacles (whether they mean to or not)?
Who would be that 'ride or die' sort who would be there at the drop of a hat and actually be helpful?
Who would think about and put our kids first - especially if for any reason we weren't there or couldn't be there?
Who would care about the things we care about?
And it works the same way in reverse - cuz neither you or I are selfish ppl - so who would we care about?
Who do we know well enough to know what they really value and hold dear to their hearts?
Or in thinking about many of the ppl we know that well...who wouldn't make the cut cuz either they don't reciprocate that or they bring too much trouble with them...what kinds of ppl would we want to manifest, who we'd care about as much as we need them to care about us?
I know for me...
It'd definitely be ppl with kids of their own, who's kids are similar to our own.
It'd definitely be ppl who've been through hell and back with each other, who are grateful for everything they have, and not stuck in victim or villain mode.
It'd definitely be ppl who value working hard for real peace, over the ease of violence or force...
It'd definitely be ppl who seek to do things right the first time...
And ppl who value owning their bs...who aren't afraid to admit when they messed up...ppl who are willing to eat crow, clean up their own messes, and take the consequences of whatever those messes were - without forgetting to forgive themselves, without losing faith, and while remembering that they are worthy of being forgiven after making mistakes - even if they don't recieve it at first.
Just some thoughts worth thinking...
Especially with the way the world is acting..
Which..tbh...I think is more of a "Mad Hatter Plan", than an actual thing to worry about just yet.
Though it's good to be prepared, at least in the mind.
That's Murphy's Law...when you're prepared, hardly anything happens.
When you're not. That's when things tend to go to shit, lol.
And speaking of...
It would be good for you to get some Colloidal Silver and Gypsy Cold Care tea.
Get some for your house, yes - but get some you can keep at work too.
They'll both come in handy later on...
I know these things... ;P
Always, Forever, and Completely Yours,