I can tell by the way you've been communicating lately...
That you've recently started crawling out of your cocoon...
Connected to little you...
And especially your little furry-hatted friend...
Which I know...
It "feels weird"...
It's kind of supposed to.
New can and will be fun too!
Just keep asking for Spirit to come to you..
For me to come to you...
And for your lion and rabbits help...
To roar when you need to..pivot the rest of the time..
To guard and protect you...heighten your instincts and intuition...
Especially when anyone leads you into danger...
Be strong..
My Love..
You can do this...
You can come home..quiet like a mouse...
You can ask for me or others to come to help you keep your house...
You can pray to Spirit and ask it to help clear your space naturally..
There are many "options" open to you...
I know you've overcome most issues with self worth...
Now it's time to put what you worked out...into practice...
Which I know you're preparing to do...
Cuz I can hear the roar of engines...
Getting more numerous...
Coming closer...
It's weird...
Though I know...
I know it's you...
I can see it in my mind too..
I'll be seeing you soon...
Forever, Always, and Completely Yours...
~ Empress, practing Emperor energy...