Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Dear Cabbit... Accountability...

Was just brought several bits of unexpected information after talking with the boys and deciding together to make the best choice to protect all of us from any further disrespect and codependence from anyone, including you...
And I'm both feeling very sad for you, and also very excited.
You and several other Cancer guys in the collective are going through big energies of Accountability Karma.
From what I understand, it sounds like just about the same time I sent you messages about running out of time and not being accountable, you were getting hit with that same energy from stuff to do with your mom that you didn't handle on time, and several other things.

It gave me a vision
Of you seeing my messages and thinking about how similar it is to when I used to message you when I knew you were going through hard energy.
Though then I was being extra sweet and trying to help you through it.
I am actually still helping you through it even now.
I know it likely doesn't feel like that yet.
Though I have faith it will.
That you're seeing it even now, and more and more as the minutes tick by.

Spirit tells me the accountability energy and me allowing things to play out as you've Manifested them to be, rather then working so hard to "not be like your ex's", is about Spirit helping you see yourself and the life you've allowed to manifest by not choosing yourself in healthy ways, procrastinating, having shitty priorities, and by telling yourself your a victim/hero; putting yourself on a pedestal.

And the distance between us (the boys included), however long you can stand that, is about helping you learn to find faith in yourself and faith in us.
To know that you can start over at any time because we are capable of that.
ALL of us.
You're the only one whose been holding onto the past and refusing to allow any new beginning or cooperative energy. 
Cuz you haven't had faith in yourself.
Which then manifested situations where no matter how much I or anyone else shows we have faith in you and loves you, you couldn't and wouldn't hear it.
Until we had to acknowledge that for the time being, all we can do is back away and have faith that you will find your way.

Which is an interesting lesson to learn along with the boys.
It's scary at times and there's lots of unknowns.
Though we've decided to do it together, and even if you don't ever come back in, I'm grateful to you for providing the contrast that helped us become that close and genuine with each other.