At that Twin Lakes park, there is the fugliest boy duck I've ever seen!
Though he's so ugly he's adorable, most esp cuz of how personality.
He does this little tail wag like a puppy!!
I look forward to when I can take you there and you can meet him.
I've decided he's my new boyfriend, lol
Also, I'm seeing lots of syncs from our favorite movie.
Esp "ducks in a line", which obviously isn't a common way to say that phrase, lol
Seeing many "mermaid" syncs too.
Do you wanna kiss the girl again? 😜
Anyways, I'm highly amused at your email this morning.
Just as I didn't need to say anything last night nor to respond to you this morning, you didn't need to send anything this morning.
Yet you did.
Even funnier, I saw some visions of you sending me very early morning messages.
Must esp when you get back to being "you", and wanting to make the most of the day by starting as early as possible.
It doesn't seem like that's where you're at just yet, though it feels like soon.
Which is fine.
I'm gonna enjoy my new lover duck and all this freedom with the boys while you 'get your ducks in a line', lol.