It feels like you're pulling at my heart...
Like you're trying to pull me to you..
Yet also like you're doing everything you can to rid yourself of that feeling...
To push away at it..
It also feels like it just be complete chaos around you...
Like, whatever the opposite of complete control is...
That's the feeling it feels like.
Which isn't how anything in my life currently is.
Tbh, without connecting to you every day, there's virtually zero "drama" in my life.
So I know this energy isn't "me".
I'm also aware it's not just you.
Even though it probably feels like you're alone in it, you're really not.
It's interesting to get nearly all current confirmations of what you're going through, via the other individuals and couples in our collective.
If it hadn't been for how this whole year has shown me who ALWAYS moves, drops, comes up, checks out, checks in, and so the same times you do, and most of the time; in the same way and over the same issues, lol
I'm giggling.
It'll be so fun when you check back into this dimension and reconnect with me in 3d.
When we can talk about "higher" things..
About "absurdites"...
Just like these ones listed.
How I always "know everything".
Or "gnow" everything, as I've respelled it.
How it wasn't just what you said or didn't, what you did or didn't.
I know you likely thought it was all to do with our direct 3d connection.
It's actually been quiet adorable watching you do your best to stay away, stop talking, stop texting, and not ever give me any sort of clues.
As if that would dull your radiant energy that gives it a away, lol
Not to mention, you want me to know.
If you didn't, the energy wouldn't be accessible and it wouldn't just land in my lap as it does most of the time.
I don't even have to look for it.
Ppl come to me and tell me about dreams they have about us, and all sorts of funny and sometimes creepy manifestions occur that I GNOW comes from you.
You're energy has a specific signature.
A 'scent' and shape if you will..
A 'musk' 😜
I'm sure the walrus will tell me when the time has come...
To talk of many things...
Until then, I'll just do my thing.
Speaking of, I'm soooooo looking forward to karaoke opening up again.
I really wanna sign that song "Slow Hands" by Niall.
It's delicious 😊😏😎