Friday, March 19, 2021

Dear Cabbit.....rainbows and such...

Today I'm sitting by the lake, near downtown.
Listening to the ducks and watching the ripples in the water from the consistently gentle winds blowing over the top of the water...
Thinking about how silly you are.
And how silly I am.
And how much I love that.

The rainbows remind me of so many things, and def show me you're thinking about me a lot.
And a lot about you.
And feeling nostalgic.
Hearing that old trueheart tune..
"the lovers...dreamers...and me..."

I also saw some ppl riding tandem bicycles the past few days, which made me laugh out loud.
Then today, spirit is being extra loud about "cycles".
Every kind of cycle.
And rainbows herald new cycles.
Which is extra fitting with tomorrow being the spring equinox, the official "new year" in Astrology.

It's funny, cuz I'm also seeing how much you really are a son of the moon.
How all your "memorialized" trauma and joy anniversaries are all timed with the cycles of the seasons and moons.
I'm looking back on how we did this last year, and all the things we each called in, did, and learned..
And loving knowing that your natural cycles are bringing you back up from that big drop you always go through between Sept & Feb.

It's now 12:34pm.
Thanks for the confirmation 😜

For some reason, that brings a vision into my mind, of you telling everyone you're going for it.
You're freeing yourself from your old karmic cycles, doing what I suggested, and deciding you want to put BOTH feet in with me and the kids.
And the same old karmics who've worked tirelessly to hold you back, keep you in a box they can easily control, and convince you to stay far away from me and anything with even the hint of it being something I might be doing or have suggested..
And that you're listing of for them, all the reasons why you're doing it anyways.
Including something like, "No matter what, I'm gonna be dealing with some drama and least with her, she knows she's crazy, and embraces it in all the best ways...and she adores my kind of crazy...and makes me feel not so bad about it...not so alone in it...if I'm gonna have crazy in my life no matter what, I'd rather have it be with her...cuz at least then it'll always be fun...and at least with her..."

Absurdity, right? Lol

That seems like the energy of the day for sure.
And along those lines, I keep seeing the words "garage", "miracles" and "talk".
"Backup plan" and "plan b" keep coming up a little gentler too, as are "fire" and "fool".
Plus, many in our collective are coming into energies of crying tears of overwhelming joy, and facing their fears of success.

Which I feel like is all that's holding you back now.
The same as I realized was holding you back, just before we had the big fights before you left.
That you weren't afraid to fail with me.
You were afraid to succeed.

Just the same as you've been afraid of really embracing your music career, and starting your own businesses, and so many other beautiful dreams you've held yourself back from, not because you might fail...
But because you might succeed..
And if you did that..
You could no longer use the excuses "I can't", "I don't understand" or "I don't know"..

And my oh my!
What would you do then?!
If you could no longer pretend to be helpless...incapable... ignorant..
What kind of scary changes might occur if you were to show the world just how radiant, confident, human, and successful you really are and can be? 
That would just be too crazy..
To scary...
Right? 😜

I'm hearing that song "I'm coming out...I want the world to know...want to let it show..."
And it feels like an energy within you..
Bursting forth into your heart and overpowering that old self doubt..
Helping the real you...
The you I've "told you so" about..
The beautiful Cabbit full of Radical Courage and creative healing light...

I so look forward to getting to chat with that guy 😏
Spirit tells me we're heading into an evolved recycle of that energy...
When you were adorably working hard to impress me with all the rigidness relaxed..
The spark of adventure in your soul..
Your tangible goals...
Your brave boundary setting...
Your confidence in yourself..
And how in touch you were getting with your own vulnerabilities...
Seeing yourself and the rest of the world in new ways...
Ready to face everything you ran from before...

Spirit says that even though it's really not been all that long...
That when you reach out next..
You'll seem like a new man.
That you'll be feeling like a new man.
And you'll be thanking me.
For all the absurdites and commitment to not only having "balls" myself, but doing whatever it took to show you that you've always had them too...
Enough to be brave enough to do what no one else has ever done...
Really have faith in you...
While embracing the absurdity of expressing that I didn't...
Even if only for a minute...
So you could find that faith in yourself...

This is fun.
The him of purple ducks, rabbit trails, and distraction chickens...
While watching rainbows come in and out of existence..
Bringing beautiful songs into my heart, as I allow in the visions of coming absurdites we'll be enjoying together...
Building beautiful memories to share when we're old and wrinkly and farting in our easy chairs next to each other...
Laughing about and cherishing all the adventures we've shared..

Most especially that one time..
When you ran away to join the circus for a little while... 😜