Thursday, March 18, 2021

Dear Cabbit...strings remaining...

I'm thinking about that email from our oldests school, that you got included in.
It was amusing to realize I hadn't told them to remove you from communications like I did with our youngest.
The topic was also funny.
I'm wondering what all you're going through over there that has to do with the vax debate, which I know reminds you of me.
And it specifically gets into the topic of violating consent.

I also know that this is a magickal time for you, when you're seeing how challenging it is to stop thinking about us and where things sit, and really processing WHY you don't want to cut all strings.
Which leads back to "What do you WANT?"

I am also positive Spirit is bringing in all sorts of signs and syncs about us, most esp if you've been trying to "release" us.
Cuz that's how it works.
Once you don't need things anymore, they all come in.
And in dashing between Marysville and Arlington today, I noticed you're driving MY car.
Which just makes me giggle so much.
That most definitely will make it impossible not to think of us.
And if it's in as bad a condition as you let it get into, that means something is going on with your other rides, and that opens up all sorts of interesting things to think about that may be happening during this time of "Re-Membering" energy.

Plus, I know that you; like me, often call in that "big stick" energy.
So whatever is going on, I know it's not boring, lol.
Not for "King of Drama".
Least of all for the KoA who has been trying so hard to reform himself all year, lol.

Even moreso considering how tightly you're holding onto every string you can, despite what you have 'said' you 'want'.

You're adorable.

I must get back to my cards and deliveries.
Just enjoying all the delicious visions coming in of your nearing resurrection 😏