Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Dear Cabbit...Re-Membering the first day of "Cabbie Talk"...

I remember a few months before you left..
When I first got you Cabbie..
Before he was Cabbie..
When you were Cabbit and he was your rabbit with your cat hat and cuffs..
I remember giving him to you...
The sweetness radiating from you was palpable..
You were like an older kid who finally got that xmas present they'd been asking and praying for for years...
And then I remember when you told me that you used to have a kind "baby talk"..
Until you Karmic ex wife..
Then it wasn't "manly"...

I remember wanting so much for your to show me...
To trust yourself and me..
To play in that way..

You didn't...
Until after you left.. started texting me with this 'lil speak' that became "Cabbie talk"..
I remember when I first realized what it was..
What you were showing me...
What you were gifting me with the chance to share with you...
That was what inspired the Cabbie doodles you love so much..

That was a magick moment for me..
I'm Re-Membering it now..
And crying..
Sometimes hard and sometimes soft..
Praying for faith..
And more beautiful days like that one..